
convert Apple's strings files to and from CSV files


master workflow


A simple command line utility & library to parse & convert an Appleā€™s strings file to and from a csv file, with first column the translation key and second column the translation value.


Convert from strings to csv

Simply download the package and run:

swift run csv2strings Localizable.strings

It will create an Localizable.csv with 3 columns:
key, translation, comments

Convert from csv to strings

swift run csv2strings Localizable.csv

The CSV file must have 3 columns(key, translation, comments)

Parsing a .strings file

import libcsv2strings

let contents: StringsFile = StringsFileParser(stringsFilePath: "path/to/Localizable.strings")?.parse()

Parsing the file to a StringsFile model

/// Top level model of a Apple's strings file
public struct StringsFile {
    let entries: [Translation]

    /// Model of a strings file translation item
    public struct Translation {
        let translationKey: String
        let translation: String
        let comment: String?


Christos Koninis, [email protected]