
BDD Cucumber Appium Rest-Assured Test Automation Framework


#Find Longest or Shorted word from the sentence

Function to find long or short word from sentence is added in Utils
Test is written in BDD format using cucumber-jvm framework

Feature file : - src/main/resources/features/FindWord.feature
StepDefinition : - src/test/java/com/gk/test/step_definitions/
String Function to find : - src/test/java/com/gk/test/framework/helpers/utils/

Sentence is not blank

Result contains only 1 Value returned ,if there are many words with same length and same value then only first value is returned

Negative Scenarios can be better handled

To run the test

mvn clean install -P dev

*Note -P dev is default profile hence doesn’t need to be specified for every run


Local reports

Standard HTML Report
A report will be generated at /target/cucumber-report/index.html

Pretty Cucumber-Html Report
A report will be generated at /target/cucumber-report/cucumber-html-reports/feature-overview.html