This repo builds a JupyterHub/Jupyter notebook server which offers an interactive C++ experience. The primary interface for this is through cling notebooks (cling is the C++ interpreter). We extend the cling notebook with certain magics, (namely %%writefile and %%bash). However, additionally, we provide a %%cling magic cell for python notebooks, and a @py11 decorator--a way to create on-the-fly C++ functions using Pybind11.
This repo builds a JupyterHub/Jupyter notebook server which offers an interactive C++ experience. The primary interface for this is through cling notebooks (cling is the C++ interpreter). We extend the cling notebook with certain magics, (namely %%writefile and %%bash). However, additionally, we provide a %%cling magic cell for python notebooks, and a @py11 decorator–a way to create on-the-fly C++ functions using Pybind11.
To build, just uncomment the build lines in the clinet docker file below and run “docker-compose build”.
You can run the CxxExplorer as a notebook using this docker-compose.yml file:
version: '2'
# Uncomment the next lines if you want to build.
# You probably want to have a pretty powerful
# machine if you want to do this.
# build:
# args:
# CPUS: 12
# BUILD_TYPE: Release
# context: .
# dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: stevenrbrandt/cxxex-src
container_name: cxxex
user: jovyan
- "PORT=80"
# Please edit this line
- "8004:80"
- cxxex_home:/home
Or you can run it as a server
version: '2'
image: stevenrbrandt/cxxex-src
container_name: cxxex
user: root
entrypoint: bash /root/
- "PORT=443"
# Option 1: Use GitHubOAuth. To run the
# server this way, fill in these variables
# Option 2: Use the Create Your Own Login (CYOL)
# Authenticator. This will happen if the above
# variables are not set.
# With Ooption 1, only github users whose names
# appear in /home/allowed_users.txt are
# permitted to login.
# If you set a CODE, then any user with
# that code can add themselves to the allowed
# users list.
# With Option 2:, the CODE enables users to
# select and create their own login name and
# password.
- "CODE=frog"
- "8004:443"
- cxxex_home:/home
# expecting these if the port is 443
# - cert_file:/etc/pki/tls/certs/
# - key_file:/etc/pki/tls/private/