data client

Async State Management without the Management. REST, GraphQL, SSE, Websockets

Reactive Data Client

The scalable way to build applications with dynamic data.

Declarative resouce definitons for REST, GraphQL, Websockets+SSE and more

Performant rendering in React, NextJS, React Native, ExpoGo

Schema driven. Zero updater functions.

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๐Ÿ“–Read The Docs ย |ย  ๐ŸGetting Started
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Todo ย |ย 
Github Social ย |ย 
NextJS SSR ย |ย 


npm install --save @data-client/react @data-client/rest @data-client/test

For more details, see the Installation docs page.


Simple TypeScript definition

class User extends Entity {
  id = '';
  username = '';

class Article extends Entity {
  id = '';
  title = '';
  body = '';
  author = User.fromJS();
  createdAt = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0);

  static schema = {
    author: User,
    createdAt: Temporal.Instant.from,

Create collection of API Endpoints

const UserResource = resource({
  path: '/users/:id',
  schema: User,
  optimistic: true,

const ArticleResource = resource({
  path: '/articles/:id',
  schema: Article,
  searchParams: {} as { author?: string },
  optimistic: true,
  paginationField: 'cursor',

One line data binding

const article = useSuspense(ArticleResource.get, { id });
return (
      {article.title} by {}

Reactive Mutations

const ctrl = useController();
return (
      onSubmit={article =>
        ctrl.fetch(ArticleResource.getList.push, { id }, article)
      onSubmit={user =>
        ctrl.fetch(UserResource.update, { id: }, user)
    <button onClick={() => ctrl.fetch(ArticleResource.delete, { id })}>


const price = useLive(PriceResource.get, { symbol });
return price.value;

Type-safe Imperative Actions

const ctrl = useController();
await ctrl.fetch(ArticleResource.update, { id }, articleData);
await ctrl.fetchIfStale(ArticleResource.get, { id });
ctrl.invalidate(ArticleResource.get, { id });
ctrl.setResponse(ArticleResource.get, { id }, articleData);
ctrl.set(Article, { id }, articleData);

Programmatic queries

const queryTotalVotes = new schema.Query(
  new schema.Collection([BlogPost]),
  posts => posts.reduce((total, post) => total + post.votes, 0),

const totalVotes = useQuery(queryTotalVotes);
const totalVotesForUser = useQuery(queryTotalVotes, { userId });
const groupTodoByUser = new schema.Query(
  todos => Object.groupBy(todos, todo => todo.userId),
const todosByUser = useQuery(groupTodoByUser);

Powerful Middlewares

class LoggingManager implements Manager {
  middleware: Middleware = controller => next => async action => {
    console.log('before', action, controller.getState());
    await next(action);
    console.log('after', action, controller.getState());

  cleanup() {}
class TickerStream implements Manager {
  middleware: Middleware = controller => {
    this.handleMsg = msg => {
      controller.set(Ticker, { id: }, msg);
    return next => action => next(action);

  init() {
    this.websocket = new WebSocket('wss://');
    this.websocket.onmessage = event => {
      const msg = JSON.parse(;
  cleanup() {

Integrated data mocking

const fixtures = [
    endpoint: ArticleResource.getList,
    args: [{ maxResults: 10 }] as const,
    response: [
        id: '5',
        title: 'first post',
        body: 'have a merry christmas',
        author: { id: '10', username: 'bob' },
        createdAt: new Date(0).toISOString(),
        id: '532',
        title: 'second post',
        body: 'never again',
        author: { id: '10', username: 'bob' },
        createdAt: new Date(0).toISOString(),
    endpoint: ArticleResource.update,
    response: ({ id }, body) => ({

const Story = () => (
  <MockResolver fixtures={options[result]}>
    <ArticleList maxResults={10} />

โ€ฆall typed โ€ฆfast โ€ฆand consistent

For the small price of 9kb gziped. ย ย  ๐ŸGet started now



  • Todo: GitHub | Sandbox | Edit on CodeSandbox
  • Github: GitHub | Sandbox
  • NextJS: GitHub | Sandbox | Edit on CodeSandbox
  • Websockets: GitHub | Sandbox | Website


Reactive Applications

Define Data

Networking definition

Data model
Data Type Mutable Schema Description Queryable
Object โœ… Entity, EntityMixin single unique object โœ…
โœ… Union(Entity) polymorphic objects (A | B) โœ…
๐Ÿ›‘ Object statically known keys ๐Ÿ›‘
Invalidate(Entity) delete an entity ๐Ÿ›‘
List โœ… Collection(Array) growable lists โœ…
๐Ÿ›‘ Array immutable lists ๐Ÿ›‘
โœ… All list of all entities of a kind โœ…
Map โœ… Collection(Values) growable maps โœ…
๐Ÿ›‘ Values immutable maps ๐Ÿ›‘
any Query(Queryable) memoized custom transforms โœ