Databend Cloud Python Driver with native interface support
We strongly recommend using the databend-driver as it provides more comprehensive features.
Databend Cloud Python Driver with native http interface support
pip install databend-py
Use the next code to check connection:
>>> from databend_py import Client >>> client = Client( host='', database="default", user="user", port="443", secure=True, password="password",settings={"copy_purge":True,"force":True}) >>> print(client.execute("SELECT 1"))
The [host]{.title-ref}, [user]{.title-ref}, [password]{.title-ref} info
will be found in databend cloud warehouse connect page as flows:
Pure Client example:
>>> from databend_py import Client >>> >>> client = Client.from_url('http://root@localhost:8000/db?secure=False©_purge=True') >>> >>> client.execute('SHOW TABLES') [[], [('test',)]] >>> client.execute("show tables",with_column_types=True) [[('Tables_in_default', 'String')], [('test',)]] # [[(column_name, column_type)], [(data,)]] >>> client.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test') [] >>> client.execute('CREATE TABLE test (x Int32)') [] >>> client.execute( ... 'INSERT INTO test (x) VALUES', [(1,)] ... ) 1 >>> client.execute('INSERT INTO test (x) VALUES', [(200,)]) 1
More usages examples find here.
Databend Python Driver is distributed under the [Apache