This is a Day-planner Application used to plan hour to hour events on usual working hours.
Libraries Used:
- Bootstrap-css library
- Jquery - JavaScript library
- moment.js- JavaScript library
- This Application automatically updates its date, So that you can update activities day to day.
- It consists of input fields with time slots from 9AM to 5PM, which are usual office hours.
- We can Update event in the input fields with their respective time slots and click on save button, So that it saves the events.
- The input fields are programmed in such a way that events are divided into past,present and future which can be differentiated with their background colors.
- Past events are backgrounded with grey color, present with green color and future with red color.
- The app was designed to be responsive.
How to use:
This planner very easy to use.When you open the page you can see present day date on header.Below are input fields with respective time slots to enter events and click respective save buttons so that you can just have a check on it when ever you need to look out activities .
Screenshot of the app:
Screenshots of application with different sizes: