Dragonchain command line utility - Get your dragonchain out of its shell
Get your dragonchain out of its shell.
This commandline tool is a thin wrapper around the dragonchain nodejs sdk using commander.
Usage: dctl [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
status|s Get the status of your chain
transaction|t Commands for interfacing with transactions
transactionType|tt Commands for interfacing with transaction types
contract|c Commands for interfacing with contracts
block|b Commands for interfacing with blocks
creds|k Manage dragonchain credentials on this machine
interchain|i Manage interchains configured for a dragonchain
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
Install using NPM
npm install -g dctl
Install using Yarn
yarn global add dctl
Here is a quick example showing SmartContract creation and invocation:
dctl --help
dctl <anyCommand...> --help
dctl creds add yourDcIdHere -e http://localhost:8080
HMAC KEY: ***********************************************
Default Dragonchain set to yourDcIdHere.
Success. New Credentials written to /Users/?/.dragonchain/credentials
dctl creds ls
"default": {
"dragonchain_id": "..."
"...": {
"auth_key": "<hidden>",
"auth_key_id": "UAKRHCSOKTYH",
"endpoint": "..."
Most commands/subcommands have a one-letter alias.
dctl t c MyTransactionType 'Hi there!'
{ "status": 201, "response": { "transaction_id": "..." }, "ok": true }
Is equivalent to…
dctl transaction create MyTransactionType 'Hi there!'
{ "status": 201, "response": { "transaction_id": "..." }, "ok": true }
dctl transaction get 7d1fa05a-ea6f-44a5-a1b8-8568eb701a8c
{ "status": 201, "response": {...}, "ok": true }
dctl c u a57afbb0-9cab-4538-adf8-2fdbce9102fc -A newArg1 -A newArg2
"status": 202,
"response": {
"success": {
"dcrn": "SmartContract::L1::AtRest",
"version": "1",
"txn_type": "coolcontract",
"id": "a57afbb0-9cab-4538-adf8-2fdbce9102fc",
"status": {
"state": "Updating",
"msg": "Contract updating",
"timestamp": "2019-06-07 17:35:54.720967"
"image": "dragonchain/interchain-watcher:prod-1.0.0",
"auth_key_id": null,
"image_digest": null,
"cmd": "node",
"args": [
"env": {
"address": "0x9DF7aeAD32989b4B533d941d3D799eB302E5A804",
"network": "custom",
"customNetworkUrl": "",
"callbackUrl": "https://callmeback.edu"
"existing_secrets": null,
"cron": null,
"seconds": 6,
"execution_order": "serial"
"ok": true
dctl c c coolcontract dragonchain/interchain-watcher:prod-1.0.0 node index.js -n 6 -s -e '{"myvar":"custom","whatever":"foo"}'
"status": 202,
"response": {
"success": {
"dcrn": "SmartContract::L1::AtRest",
"version": "1",
"txn_type": "PrivateEthWatcher",
"id": "a57afbb0-9cab-4538-adf8-2fdbce9102fc",
"status": {
"state": "Pending",
"msg": "Contract creating",
"timestamp": "2019-06-07 17:35:54.720967"
"image": "dragonchain/interchain-watcher:prod-1.0.0",
"auth_key_id": null,
"image_digest": null,
"cmd": "node",
"args": [
"env": {
"myvar": "custom",
"whatever": "foo",
"existing_secrets": null,
"cron": null,
"seconds": 6,
"execution_order": "serial"
"ok": true
# ~/.bashrc
alias d-scls="dctl c ls | jq '.response.results[] | [(.txn_type, .id)]' | jq -s ."
# List Smartcontracts Names, Ids
Dragonchain is happy to welcome contributions from the community. You can get started here.