Swift 3.0 Bluetooth LE Peripheral for ARM Linux device (e.g. BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi)
Turn your ARM Linux device (e.g. BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi) into an iBeacon and Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral with Swift. Includes iOS app for interacting with the peripheral via Bluetooth.
Install Carthage dependencies
carthage update
dependencies.git clone https://github.com/colemancda/DemoPeripheral
cd DemoPeripheral
swift build
replace x86_64-linux-gnu
with arm-linux-gnueabihf
swift build
sudo .build/debug/Peripheral
You should see the following in your console
Starting Peripheral Daemon...
Peripheral: Started GATT Server
Initialized Peripheral 0bd6311b-d0c9-425c-928b-89cc5bc0170c
You can also explore with LightBlue.