DevMatch SaaS Application

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Application: A fictional start-up for developers, entrepreneurs and investors to connect. A Ruby on Rails application that also uses: Stripe for subscription payments (e-commerce), CRUD process, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Sass. Deployed on Heroku.


DevMatch SaaS Application (Ruby on Rails)

My Ruby on Rails fictional DevMatch SaaS application definitely launched my interest in full-stack programming. Literally deep dive, learning by writing code.

DevMatch is a fictional start-up platform built to connect entrepreneurs, programmers and investors. It’s designed to be a subscription membership website. Built features like a log in / log out system, user profile association, email notification, and an e-commerce feature by building a premium membership feature using Stripe to charge for monthly subscription fee for access to premium services. These are features that you can see in various online platforms. This project was my first SaaS application to be deployed on Heroku!


  • CSS, HTML, JavaScript
  • Bootstrap, Sass
  • CRUD process
  • Stripe for subscription payments (e-commerce)
  • Deployed on Heroku

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Note: Visit Stripe to get Credit Card test numbers: