Ecommerce SPA application with a microservices architecture implemented from scratch. Tech stack - Docker, Consul, Fabio, RabbitMQ, .Net Core, Mediatr, CQRS, React, Redux. .NET Core Microservices template, .NET React Redux, .NET RabbitMQ, .NET Distributed, Docker, .NET Core with Docker.
Containerized .NET Core Online Store application with a microservices architecture and a React and Redux frontend solution.
Technologies used - RabbitMQ, .NET Core, .NET Core MVC, MongoDB, React, Redux, Docker, Consul, Fabio, JWT Authentication, Swagger, Vault.
Keywords - Docker, Consul, Fabio, RabbitMQ, .Net Core, Mediatr, CQRS, React, Redux. .NET Core Microservices template, .NET RabbitMQ, .NET Core with React and Redux, .NET Distributed, Docker, .NET Core with Docker, .NET Core with Mongo, .NET Core with JWT Auth, React and Redux with JWT.