
A high performance replicated log service. (The development is moved to Apache Incubator)



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Apache DistributedLog (incubating)

Apache DistributedLog (DL) is a high-throughput, low-latency replicated log service, offering
durability, replication and strong consistency as essentials for building
reliable real-time applications.


Apache DistributedLog project graduated from Incubator at July 2017. It is now a sub-project of Apache BookKeeper.

The core components of Apache DistributedLog has been merged as part of Apache BookKeeper. The development of Apache DistributedLog has been moved under BookKeeper.
See BP-26: Move distributedlog library as part of bookkeeper for more details.


High Performance

DL is able to provide milliseconds latency on durable writes with a large number
of concurrent logs, and handle high volume reads and writes per second from
thousands of clients.

Durable and Consistent

Messages are persisted on disk and replicated to store multiple copies to
prevent data loss. They are guaranteed to be consistent among writers and
readers in terms of strict ordering.

Efficient Fan-in and Fan-out

DL provides an efficient service layer that is optimized for running in a multi-
tenant datacenter environment such as Mesos or Yarn. The service layer is able
to support large scale writes (fan-in) and reads (fan-out).

Various Workloads

DL supports various workloads from latency-sensitive online transaction
processing (OLTP) applications (e.g. WAL for distributed database and in-memory
replicated state machines), real-time stream ingestion and computing, to
analytical processing.

Multi Tenant

To support a large number of logs for multi-tenants, DL is designed for I/O
isolation in real-world workloads.

Layered Architecture

DL has a modern layered architecture design, which separates the stateless
service tier
from the stateful storage tier. To support large scale writes (fan-
in) and reads (fan-out), DL allows scaling storage independent of scaling CPU
and memory.

First Steps

Next Steps

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Apache DistributedLog is an open source project of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The Apache DistributedLog project originated from Twitter.