django cms

The easy-to-use and developer-friendly enterprise CMS powered by Django


django CMS
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:alt: Code Climate

Open source enterprise content management system based on the Django framework and backed by the non-profit django CMS Association (Sponsor us! <>_).

Contribute to this project and win rewards

Because django CMS is a community-driven project, we welcome everyone to get involved in the project <>_. Become part of a fantastic community and help us make django CMS the best open source CMS in the world.


Please use the ``develop-4`` branch as the target for pull requests for on-going development.

Security fixes will be backported to older branches by the core team as appropriate.


  • hierarchical pages
  • extensive built-in support for multilingual websites
  • multi-site support
  • draft/publish workflows
  • version control
  • a sophisticated publishing architecture, that’s also usable in your own applications
  • frontend content editing
  • a hierarchical content structure for nested plugins
  • an extensible navigation system that your own applications can hook into
  • SEO-friendly URLs
  • designed to integrate thoroughly into other applications

Developing applications that integrate with and take advantage of django CMS features is easy and well-documented.

More information on our website <>_.


See the Python/Django requirements for the current release version <>_ in our documentation.

See the installation how-to guide for an overview of some other requirements and dependencies of the current release <>_.

Getting started

These tutorials <>_ take you step-by-step through some key aspects of django CMS.


Our documentation working group maintains documentation for several versions of the project. Key versions are:

  • stable <>_ (default), for the current release version
  • latest <>_, representing the latest build of the develop-4 branch

For more information about our branch policy, see Branches <>_.

Our documentation is hosted courtesy of Read the Docs <>_.

The dependencies for the docs are compiled by pip-tools <>_.

Test django CMS in our demo

The demo platform is kindly provided by Divio, platinum member of the django CMS Association.

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:alt: Try demo with Divio Cloud

Getting Help

Please head over to our Discord Server <>_ or Stackoverflow for support.

Professional support

Choose from a list of trusted tech partner <>_ of the django CMS Association to get your website project delivered successfully.

Choose a trusted web host <>_ for your django CMS project and get your website online today.

The django CMS Association

The django CMS Association is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2020 with the goal to drive the success of django CMS, by increasing customer happiness, market share and open-source contributions. We provide infrastructure and guidance for the django CMS project.

The non-profit django CMS Association is dependent on donations to fulfill its purpose. The best way to donate is to become a member of the association and pay membership fees. The funding will be funneled back into core development and community projects.

Join the django CMS Association <>_.


  • Includes icons and adapted icons from Bootstrap <>_.
  • Includes icons from FamFamFam <>_.
  • Python tree engine powered by
    django-treebeard <>_.
  • JavaScript tree in admin uses jsTree <>_.
  • Many thanks to
    all the contributors <>_
    to django CMS!