
[UNFINISHED, UNMAINTAINED] Frontend for a DnD-flavoured event planning web app written in Vue.js, making use of JWT Tokens for login and service workers for offline functionality



[UNFINISHED, UNMAINTAINED] Frontend for a DnD-flavoured event planning web app written in Vue.js, making use of JWT Tokens for login and service workers for offline functionality

This frontend for a hobby mini-project of a DnD-flavoured event planning web app was a first attempt at using Vue.js as part of a web app. In conjunction with the backend, it implemented JWT Tokens for login, as well as being a first attempt at using service workers to enable offline functionality. Using realworld.io as an initial guide, the codebase demonstrates an understanding of key aspects for frontend projects such as state management and components, though it lacked proper commenting & documentation of code, as well as a lack of tests due to its hobbyist/first-attempt nature that was more focused on learning the core ideas involved with implementing a frontend on a knowledge-level than creating a concrete open-source codebase with strong style and best practices etc.

Note that any DnD Images/Fonts do not belong to me, and were used from the dnd.wizards.com website for private, personal use.

Project setup


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build