Easily deployable and scalable backend server that efficiently converts various document formats (pdf, docx, pptx, html, images, etc) into Markdown. With support for both CPU and GPU processing, it is Ideal for large-scale workflows, it offers text/table extraction, OCR, and batch processing with sync/async endpoints.
This backend server is a robust, scalable solution for effortlessly converting a wide range of document formats—including PDF, DOCX, PPTX, HTML, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, AsciiDoc, and Markdown—into Markdown. Powered by Docling (IBM’s advanced document parser), this service is built with FastAPI, Celery, and Redis, ensuring fast, efficient processing. Optimized for both CPU and GPU modes, with GPU highly recommended for production environments, this solution offers high performance and flexibility, making it ideal for handling complex document processing at scale.
Original PDF |
Docling-API | Marker |
Multiple Format Support: Converts various document types including:
Conversion Capabilities:
API Endpoints:
Processing Modes:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
git clone https://github.com/drmingler/docling-api.git
cd document-converter
poetry install
Create a .env
file in the project root:
Start Redis locally (install if not already installed):
brew install redis
brew services start redis
sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo service redis-server start
poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8080
poetry run celery -A worker.celery_config worker --pool=solo -n worker_primary --loglevel=info
poetry run celery -A worker.celery_config flower --port=5555
curl http://localhost:8080/docs
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/documents/convert" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "document=@/path/to/test.pdf"
git clone https://github.com/drmingler/docling-api.git
cd document-converter
To start the service using CPU-only processing, use the following command. You can adjust the number of Celery workers by specifying the --scale option. In this example, 1 worker will be created:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.cpu.yml up --build --scale celery_worker=1
For production, it is recommended to enable GPU acceleration, as it significantly improves performance. Use the command below to start the service with GPU support. You can also scale the number of Celery workers using the --scale option; here, 3 workers will be launched:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.gpu.yml up --build --scale celery_worker=3
The service will start the following components:
Convert a single document immediately:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/documents/convert" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "document=@/path/to/document.pdf" \
-F "extract_tables_as_images=true" \
-F "image_resolution_scale=4"
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/conversion-jobs" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "document=@/path/to/document.pdf"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/conversion-jobs/{job_id}" \
-H "accept: application/json"
Convert multiple documents asynchronously:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/batch-conversion-jobs" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "documents=@/path/to/document1.pdf" \
-F "documents=@/path/to/document2.pdf"
: Control the resolution of extracted images (1-4)extract_tables_as_images
: Extract tables as images (true/false)CPU_ONLY
: Build argument to switch between CPU/GPU modesThe service uses a distributed architecture with the following components:
The codebase is under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information