User documentation for Knative components.


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(This guide only appears on GitHub, not the website, because it
intentionally does not include YAML front-matter.)

Knative documentation

Welcome to the source file repository for our documentation on


The Knative documentation website is built using Material for MkDocs.

View published documentation

View all Knative documentation and walk through our code samples on the

The Knative website includes versioned docs for recent releases, the Knative
blog, links to all community resources, as well as Knative governance and
contributor guidelines.

Run the website locally

For instructions, refer to Knative’s docs contributor guide.

Website source files

Source files for the documentation on the website are located within the
/docs directory of this repo.

Documentation versions for Knative releases

Each release of the Knative docs is available on the website (starting with
0.3) and their source files are all stored in
branches of this repo.

Contributing to docs

We’re excited that you’re interested in contributing to the Knative documentation! Check out the resources below to get started.

If you are interested in contributing to Knative more broadly, please check out CLOTRIBUTOR
for a list of all the help wanted issues in Knative.

Getting started

If you want to contribute a fix or add new content to the documentation, you can
navigate through the /docs repo or use the Edit this page pencil icon on each of the pages of
the website.

Before you can contribute, first start by reading the Knative contributor
guidelines and learning about our community and requirements. In addition to
reading about how to contribute to the docs, you should take a moment to learn
about the Knative code of conduct, governance, values, and the various working
groups and committees.

Knative community and contributor guidelines

Source files for all Knative community and governance topics are located
separately in the knative/community

To help you get started, see the following resources:

Getting help

Help and support

Your help and feedback is always welcome!

If you find an issue please let us know, either by clicking the Create Issue on any
of the website pages, or by directly opening an
issue here in the repo.

If you have a question that you can’t find an answer to, we would also like to
hear about that. In addition to our docs, you can also reach out to the
community for assistance. For example, ask a documentation-specific question on
the #knative-documentation channel in Slack.

Also see the Knative community resource pages
for a list of all the available community resources, including links to the
various community discussion groups for both development as well as