dominatrix odb

Library for working with libGDX + Artemis Entity System Framework, primarily dealing with runtime introspection and live editing.


Take Note

This small library was initially conceived during the early ECS days and hasn’t really been keeping
up-to-date with developments in artemis-odb. While some of the
functionality is useful, it’s a little too diverse. The good bits could favorably be migrated to artemis-odb-contrib

dominatrix-odb is a small, but diverse library for working with libGDX +
Artemis Entity System Framework, primarily dealing with runtime introspection and live editing.


  • EntityFactoryManager for creating entities from json.
  • Serialize entities to json.
  • Type-safe annotation-driven injection from .properties files.
  • UI views for:

Assumptions/Limitations/State of Affairs

  • Components are required to reside in a single package: imposed by component discovery and
    json unserializing.
  • Uses a slightly modified fork of artemis, allowing
    for systems to be toggled at runtime.
  • The demo uses Project Lombok to reduce boilerplate nonsense. See their site
    for Eclipse/Netbeans installation. (At a later stage, there may be a delomboked - vanilla java - version).


Javadocs are a little scarce at the moment, see demo project for details.

The EntityFactoryManager

In the screen or main class:

    entityFactoryManager = EntityFactoryManager.from(
        Gdx.files.internal("data/archetypes.json"), JsonKey.class, true);
    World world = new World();
    // more artemis managers/systems

In the render method, make sure to call entityFactoryManager.addNewToWorld(); this
has to be done outside of Artemis’ processing loop.

To create an entity, simple call entityFactoryManager.create("name-of-entity").


Import dominatrix-demo into eclipse as a Maven project, alternatively run `mvn package’ inside the
demo folder, this creates an executable jar-with-dependencies under dominatrix-demo/target.
After starting, press F1 to toggle keyboard shortcuts: the shortcuts demonstrate the bulk of
the functionality.


Nota Bene: Maven repository on github isn’t up to date; dominatrix has to be manually
installed (mvn -Pgdx-odb install) prior to being used.
