Tool to help with EAP debugging in eduroam
This script is intended to help debug a weird problem that we encountered in eduroam.
This instruction assumes that you have a Debian-based OS.
For other OS’es the needed packets may differ.
apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libpcap-dev
gem install semantic_logger
gem install packetfu
git clone /opt/eapdebugger
The script can be configured using localconfig.rb
There is a template (localconfig.template.rb
) that can be copied.
Please adjust the organization name
You can start the debug script with the following command:
ruby eapdebugger.rb
Caution: The script MUST run as privileged user (root), since it uses a raw capture to get a copy of all RADIUS packets
The script will run in foreground. You are free to use systemd to start the script automatically in the background. A sample systemd unit file is available in the tools directory.
The tool will generate a PCapNG-File for each observed RADIUS packet with a broken EAP packet inside.
The file name will include the organization name and the time stamp of the capture.
To help with the debugging, the files can then be sent to the respective NRO.