
A next-generation graph-relational database.



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What is EdgeDB?

EdgeDB is a new kind of database
that takes the best parts of
relational databases, graph
databases, and ORMs. We call it
a graph-relational database.

🧩 Types, not tables 🧩

Schema is the foundation of your application. It should be something you can
read, write, and understand.

Forget foreign keys; tabular data modeling is a relic of an older age, and it
isn’t compatible
with modern languages. Instead, EdgeDB thinks about schema the same way you do:
as object types containing properties connected by links.

type Person {
  required name: str;

type Movie {
  required title: str;
  multi actors: Person;

This example is intentionally simple, but EdgeDB supports everything you’d
expect from your database: a strict type system, indexes, constraints, computed
properties, stored procedures…the list goes on. Plus it gives you some shiny
new features too: link properties, schema mixins, and best-in-class JSON
support. Read the schema docs
for details.

🌳 Objects, not rows 🌳

EdgeDB’s super-powered query language EdgeQL is designed as a ground-up
redesign of SQL. EdgeQL queries produce rich, structured objects, not flat
lists of rows. Deeply fetching related objects is painless…bye, bye, JOINs.

select Movie {
  actors: {
filter .title = "The Matrix"

EdgeQL queries are also composable; you can use one EdgeQL query as an
expression inside another. This property makes things like subqueries and
nested mutations a breeze.

insert Movie {
  title := "The Matrix Resurrections",
  actors := (
    select Person
    filter .name in {
      'Keanu Reeves',
      'Carrie-Anne Moss',
      'Laurence Fishburne'

There’s a lot more to EdgeQL: a comprehensive standard library, computed
properties, polymorphic queries, with blocks, transactions, and much more.
Read the EdgeQL docs for the full

🦋 More than a mapper 🦋

While EdgeDB solves the same problems as ORM libraries, it’s so much more. It’s
a full-fledged database with a
powerful and elegant query language, a
migrations system, a
suite of client libraries in
different languages, a
command line tool, and—coming soon—a
cloud hosting platform. The goal is to rethink every aspect of how developers
model, migrate, manage, and query their database.

Here’s a taste-test of EdgeDB’s next-level developer experience: you can
install our CLI, spin up an instance, and open an interactive EdgeQL shell with
just three commands.

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.edgedb.com | sh
$ edgedb project init
$ edgedb
edgedb> select "Hello world!"

Windows users: use this Powershell command to install the CLI.

PS> iwr https://ps1.edgedb.com -useb | iex

Get started

To start learning about EdgeDB, check out the following resources:

  • The quickstart. If
    you’re just starting out, the 10-minute quickstart guide is the fastest way
    to get up and running.
  • EdgeDB Cloud 🌤️. The best
    most effortless way to host your EdgeDB database in the cloud.
  • The interactive tutorial. For a
    structured deep-dive into the EdgeQL query language, try the web-based
    tutorial— no need to install anything.
  • The e-book. For the most
    comprehensive walkthrough of EdgeDB concepts, check out our illustrated
    e-book Easy EdgeDB. It’s designed to
    walk a total beginner through EdgeDB in its entirety, from the basics through
    advanced concepts.
  • The docs. Jump straight into the docs for
    schema modeling or


PRs are always welcome! To get started, follow
this guide to build EdgeDB from
source on your local machine.

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Join the discord 👉


The code in this repository is developed and distributed under the
Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.