elasticsearch ruby

Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch



7.17 8.16 8.17 main Build status

Download the latest version of Elasticsearch
for a free trial of Elastic Cloud.

This repository contains the official Elasticsearch Ruby client. The elasticsearch gem is a complete Elasticsearch client which uses two separate libraries:


Please refer to
the full documentation on elastic.co
for comprehensive information.

Both elastic-transport and elasticsearch-api are documented. You can check
the elastic-transport
and the elasticsearch-api
documentation at RubyDocs.


gem install elasticsearch

Refer to the Installation section
of the getting started documentation.


Refer to the Connecting section
of the getting started documentation.


require 'elasticsearch'
client = Elasticsearch::Client.new(host: 'https://my-elasticsearch-host.example')
client.search(q: 'test')

Refer to the official documentation
for examples of how to use the most frequently called APIs and
for some practical examples.

For optimal performance, you should use a HTTP library which supports persistent (“keep-alive”) connections, e.g. Patron or Typhoeus. These libraries are not dependencies of the Elasticsearch gems. Ensure you define a dependency for a HTTP library in your own application.

Check out these other official Ruby libraries for working with Elasticsearch:

Please see their respective READMEs for information and documentation.


We follow Ruby’s own maintenance policy and officially support all currently maintained versions per Ruby Maintenance Branches.

Language clients are forward compatible; meaning that clients support communicating with greater or equal minor versions of Elasticsearch without breaking.
It does not mean that the client automatically supports new features of newer Elasticsearch versions; it is only possible after a release of a new client version.
For example, a 8.12 client version won’t automatically support the new features of the 8.13 version of Elasticsearch, the 8.13 client version is required for that.
Elasticsearch language clients are only backwards compatible with default distributions and without guarantees made.

Gem Version Elasticsearch Version Supported
7.x 7.x 7.17
8.x 8.x 8.x
main main

Try Elasticsearch and Kibana locally

If you want to try Elasticsearch and Kibana locally, you can run the following command:

curl -fsSL https://elastic.co/start-local | sh

This will run Elasticsearch at http://localhost:9200 and Kibana at http://localhost:5601 using Docker.

More information is available here.




This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license. See NOTICE.