Electron Sahara is an Apache Cordova like command line utility for electron.
Electron Sahara is an Apache Cordova like command line utility for electron.
Supported platforms :
Sahara command-line runs on Node.js and is available on NPM. Follow platform specific guides to install additional platform dependencies. Open a command prompt or Terminal, and type npm install -g electron-sahara
Example :
npm install -g @virtuoworks/electron-sahara
Create a blank Sahara project using the command-line tool. Navigate to the directory where you wish to create your project and type sahara create <path>
For a complete set of options, type sahara help create
Example :
sahara create MyApp
Templates allow you to use preexisting code to jumpstart your project. Navigate to the directory where you wish to create your project and type sahara create <path> [template]
Available templates :
Example :
sahara create MyApp angular2
After creating a Sahara project, navigate to the project directory. From the project directory, you need to prepare a platform for which you want to build your app.
To prepare a platform, type sahara prepare <platform name>
For a complete list of platforms you can run sahara prepare
Example :
cd MyApp
sahara prepare win32
Available platforms :
(for Windows (32/64 bit))darwin
(for OS X (also known as macOS))linux
(for Linux (x86/x86_64))After having prepared a platform, navigate to the project directory. From the project directory, you can compile a release for a platform.
To compile a platform, type sahara compile <platform name>
For a complete list of platforms you can run sahara compile
Example :
cd MyApp
sahara compile win32
If you which to perform both operations in a row, navigate to the project directory. From the project directory, type sahara build <platform name>
Example :
cd MyApp
sahara build win32
From the command line, run sahara run <platform name>
sahara run win32