This E-commerce website project based on Ruby on Rails, by which admin have an access to create user, products(associated with discount and categories) and can view listing of users, products and order listing which the user ordered. In User panel, user can view the different items and order them with add to cart and payment method functionality

E-commerce Management System

This E-commerce website project based on Ruby on Rails, by which there are two panels Admin || User. Admin was created from db command.

  • In Admin panel, admin have an access to create user, products(associated with discount and categories) and can view listing of users, products and order listing which the user ordered.
  • In User panel, first user ahev to sign up the account then after login he/she can view the different items and order them with add to cart and payment method functionality.

Gems I have used in this project:

  • Devise(used for authentication)
  • Pundit(used for authorization)
  • Bootstrap(used for styling)
  • Kaminari(used for pagination)
  • jwt(used for api)
  • bootstrap5-kaminari-views(used for pagination styling)
  • jbuilder(used for generating and rendering JSON responses)
  • jquery-rails(used for javascript/modals)
  • stripe(used for payment method)
  • letter_opener(used for email sending/recieving functionality)

How the code is used?

  • Controllers(where you add your logic)
  • Models(Data representation and as well as your associations of table because models interact with database)
  • Views(works as template, you can do styling through HTML/CSS etc. We are able to to use embedded ruby in rails. In views, you will create files with extension .html.erb)
  • In assets, there you can add images, js code and customized css code.

Here is view of my WebPage:

Screenshot 2022-10-31 at 5 44 37 PM