esx react

A template for NUI development in FiveM using React, used by the ESX Team for modules (and also the internal esx-cli)


ESX NUI React Template

This is an internal template created by @Taso and used by the ESX Dev Team
to easily boilerplate any new NUI modules planned to use React (or
Preact with minor changes). This is also used by the internal esx-cli
with the React template.

Although this is an internal ESX Team template, it works perfectly fine
if you wish to use it for any other purpose. 🎉

Essential Packages

  • React - v17.0
  • TypeScript - v4.0
  • Webpack - v5.10
  • Prettier - v2.2
  • ESLint - v7.16

First Install

As with any other Node environment, you must first run one of the following commands:

# Yarn
npm i


To create a build for use in FiveM. Run the two following scripts
depending on the use-case.


# Yarn:
yarn build:dev

npm run build:dev 


# Yarn:
yarn build:prod

npm run build:prod 

After build, these scripts can be found in the build folder of the
project directory as shown:

|-- build
    |-- index.html
    |-- index.js

These builds differ in a couple of ways, most specifically: process.env.NODE_ENV,
source maps, minification, and the inclusion of a react-devtools module

Using React Dev-Tools

When in development mode, the builds include with them a standalone
React DevTools bundle, that allows access to react-devtools comparable
to the browser environment.

First ensure you have react-devtools installed globally
by running one of the following commands:

# Yarn
yarn global add react-devtools

npm install -g react-devtools

Then run this command from your terminal environment:


Now start your FiveM script with the development build, and you should
have access to the react-devtools just as you would in the browser!

Linting and Style

This template also comes with a preconfigured ESLint and Prettier config.
Both of these are run when using any of the build scripts. They can
also be run manually using:

# Prettier
yarn format
# ESLint
yarn lint