Extract Transform Load (ETL) pipeline through debezium (cdc), corresponding connector, kafka and kafka-connect, for repliacting the data in replica DB and into Elasticsearch, for real time streaming and event processing and data visualization through kibana. #etl #debezium #kafka #kafka-connect #mySQL #elasticsearch #kibana #ELK stack
Extract Transform Load (ETL) pipeline through debezium (cdc), corresponding connector, kafka and kafka-connect, for repliacting the data in replica DB and into Elasticsearch, for real time streaming and event processing and data visualization through kibana. #etl #debezium #kafka #kafka-connect #mySQL #elasticsearch #kibana #ELK stack
1: Install docker
2: Install zookeeper + kafka + kakfa-connect
2: Then, simply follow setup.txt for getting started
You can find the reference to the attached kafka consumers, to write your own kafka consumers and start etl process as per your needs
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.