a Xcode plugin for another repository (EventBus-iOS)
a Xcode plug-in for another repository (EventBus-iOS)
copy EventBus-iOS.xcplugin to ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/
or build target
then that you should restart Xcode ,let Xcode load the plug-in.
按 ctrl + e 会列出所有发布过的事件。
2.选中时同时按ctrl ,它会帮你找到发布该事件的地方。
press ctrl + e to show all published event , then
编写插件时参考了 onevcat 的博文:http://onevcat.com/2013/02/xcode-plugin/ 和 trawor( http://weibo.com/trawor ) 的插件 XToDo : https://github.com/trawor/XToDo