Powerful filtering and faceting directly within the Examine fluent API
Powerful filtering and faceting directly within the Examine fluent API.
Package | NuGet |
Examine.Facets | |
Examine.Facets.BoboBrowse | |
Examine.Facets.MultiFacets |
Examine Facets requires Examine 1.1.0+.
Examine Facets is available from NuGet, or as a manual download directly from GitHub.
To install from NuGet, run the following command in your instance of Visual Studio.
PM> Install-Package Examine.Facets
Examine Facets integrates seamlessly with the Examine API. Read the Examine docs first.
There are 2 facet engines available out of the box: Bobo Browse and Multi Facets. Both offer a similar choice of features and performance so it is really a matter of preference.
To perform facet queries the chosen facet engine’s Searcher must be registered via ExamineManager
. This requires only a few lines of configuration code.
For example the Bobo Browse Searcher can be registered like this:
if (_examineManager.TryGetIndex("CustomIndex", out IIndex index))
if (index is LuceneIndex luceneIndex)
var searcher = new BoboFacetSearcher(
Defining and querying facets is baked right into Examine’s fluent API.
Begin a facet query by calling .Facet(string field)
within a query, or filter results to a facet with a specific value by calling .Facet(string field, string[] values)
Further optional configuration – such as the minimum number of matches required for a facet to appear, or the maximum number of values to return – can also be configured configured through the fluent API.
_examineManager.TryGetSearcher("FacetSearcher", out ISearcher searcher);
var query = searcher.CreateQuery();
Facet searches behave the same as any other Examine search. To retreive information about facets there are some handy extension methods.
var results = searcher.Execute();
To get a list of all facets:
To get a list of values for a specific facet:
results.GetFacet(string field);
To get the number of hits for a specific value:
.GetFacet(string field)
.GetHits(object value);
To raise a new bug, create an issue on the GitHub repository. To fix a bug or add new features, fork the repository and send a pull request with your changes. Feel free to add ideas to the repository’s issues list if you would to discuss anything related to the library.
This project is maintained by Callum Whyte and contributors. If you have any questions about the project please get in touch on Twitter, or by raising an issue on GitHub.
Examine was created by Shannon Deminick and is licensed under Microsoft Public License (MS-PL).
BoboBrowse.Net was created by Shad Storhaug and is licensed under Apache License 2.0.
MultiFacetLucene.Net was created by Stefan Holmberg.
Copyright © 2021 Callum Whyte, and other contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.