Process execution for humans
Process execution for humans
Execa runs commands in your script, application or library. Unlike shells, it is optimized for programmatic usage. Built on top of the child_process
core module.
One of the maintainers @ehmicky is looking for a remote full-time position. Specialized in Node.js back-ends and CLIs, he led Netlify Build, Plugins and Configuration for 2.5 years. Feel free to contact him on his website or on LinkedIn!
, graceful termination, and more.Uint8Array
s, iterables, objects and almost any other type.stdout
and stderr
similar to what is printed on the terminal.npm install execa
Advanced usage:
import {execa} from 'execa';
const {stdout} = await execa`npm run build`;
// Print command's output
import {$} from 'execa';
const {stdout: name} = await $`cat package.json`.pipe`grep name`;
const branch = await $`git branch --show-current`;
await $`dep deploy --branch=${branch}`;
await Promise.all([
$`sleep 1`,
$`sleep 2`,
$`sleep 3`,
const directoryName = 'foo bar';
await $`mkdir /tmp/${directoryName}`;
$ npm install -D eslint
await execa({preferLocal: true})`eslint`;
const {stdout, pipedFrom} = await execa`npm run build`
.pipe`head -n 2`;
// Output of `npm run build | sort | head -n 2`
// Output of `npm run build | sort`
// Output of `npm run build`
const {all} = await execa({all: true})`npm run build`;
// stdout + stderr, interleaved
const {stdout} = await execa({stdout: ['pipe', 'inherit']})`npm run build`;
// stdout is also printed to the terminal
const getInputString = () => { /* ... */ };
const {stdout} = await execa({input: getInputString()})`sort`;
// Similar to: npm run build < input.txt
await execa({stdin: {file: 'input.txt'}})`npm run build`;
// Similar to: npm run build > output.txt
await execa({stdout: {file: 'output.txt'}})`npm run build`;
const {stdout} = await execa({lines: true})`npm run build`;
// Print first 10 lines
console.log(stdout.slice(0, 10).join('\n'));
for await (const line of execa`npm run build`) {
if (line.includes('WARN')) {
let count = 0;
// Filter out secret lines, then prepend the line number
const transform = function * (line) {
if (!line.includes('secret')) {
yield `[${count++}] ${line}`;
await execa({stdout: transform})`npm run build`;
const response = await fetch('');
await execa({stdin: response.body})`sort`;
import {execa} from 'execa';
import {pipeline} from 'node:stream/promises';
import {createReadStream, createWriteStream} from 'node:fs';
await pipeline(
execa`node ./transform.js`.duplex(),
// parent.js
import {execaNode} from 'execa';
const subprocess = execaNode`child.js`;
await subprocess.sendMessage('Hello from parent');
const message = await subprocess.getOneMessage();
console.log(message); // 'Hello from child'
// child.js
import {getOneMessage, sendMessage} from 'execa';
const message = await getOneMessage(); // 'Hello from parent'
const newMessage = message.replace('parent', 'child'); // 'Hello from child'
await sendMessage(newMessage);
// main.js
import {execaNode} from 'execa';
const ipcInput = [
{task: 'lint', ignore: /test\.js/},
{task: 'copy', files: new Set(['main.js', 'index.js']),
await execaNode({ipcInput})`build.js`;
// build.js
import {getOneMessage} from 'execa';
const ipcInput = await getOneMessage();
// main.js
import {execaNode} from 'execa';
const {ipcOutput} = await execaNode`build.js`;
console.log(ipcOutput[0]); // {kind: 'start', timestamp: date}
console.log(ipcOutput[1]); // {kind: 'stop', timestamp: date}
// build.js
import {sendMessage} from 'execa';
const runBuild = () => { /* ... */ };
await sendMessage({kind: 'start', timestamp: new Date()});
await runBuild();
await sendMessage({kind: 'stop', timestamp: new Date()});
// main.js
import {execaNode} from 'execa';
const controller = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
await execaNode({
cancelSignal: controller.signal,
gracefulCancel: true,
// build.js
import {getCancelSignal} from 'execa';
const cancelSignal = await getCancelSignal();
const url = '';
const response = await fetch(url, {signal: cancelSignal});
import {execa, ExecaError} from 'execa';
try {
await execa`unknown command`;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ExecaError) {
ExecaError: Command failed with ENOENT: unknown command
spawn unknown ENOENT
at ...
at ... {
shortMessage: 'Command failed with ENOENT: unknown command\nspawn unknown ENOENT',
originalMessage: 'spawn unknown ENOENT',
command: 'unknown command',
escapedCommand: 'unknown command',
cwd: '/path/to/cwd',
durationMs: 28.217566,
failed: true,
timedOut: false,
isCanceled: false,
isTerminated: false,
isMaxBuffer: false,
code: 'ENOENT',
stdout: '',
stderr: '',
stdio: [undefined, '', ''],
pipedFrom: []
[cause]: Error: spawn unknown ENOENT
at ...
at ... {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'spawn unknown',
path: 'unknown',
spawnargs: [ 'command' ]
await execa`npm run build`;
await execa`npm run test`;
import {execa as execa_} from 'execa';
import {createLogger, transports} from 'winston';
// Log to a file using Winston
const transport = new transports.File({filename: 'logs.txt'});
const logger = createLogger({transports: [transport]});
const LOG_LEVELS = {
command: 'info',
output: 'verbose',
ipc: 'verbose',
error: 'error',
duration: 'info',
const execa = execa_({
verbose(verboseLine, {message, ...verboseObject}) {
const level = LOG_LEVELS[verboseObject.type];
logger[level](message, verboseObject);
await execa`npm run build`;
await execa`npm run test`;