
R package that makes basic data exploration radically simple (interactive data exploration, reproducible data science)



CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

Simplifies Exploratory Data Analysis:

  • Interactive data exploration: explore()
  • Use AI to unveil hidden patterns in your data (xgboost, RF, logreg, DT): explain_*()
  • Generate an automated report of your data (or patterns in your data): report()
  • Manual exploration: explore(), describe(), explain_*(), abtest(), …
  • 18 ready to use datasets for teaching & testing: use_data_*(), create_data_*()
# install from CRAN


# interactive data exploration
beer <- use_data_beer()
beer |> explore()
explore variable + target explore target using a decisoion tree
# describe data
beer |> describe()
# A tibble: 11 × 8
   variable          type     na na_pct unique    min    mean    max
   <chr>             <chr> <int>  <dbl>  <int>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 name              chr       0    0      161   NA     NA      NA  
 2 brand             chr       0    0       29   NA     NA      NA  
 3 country           chr       0    0        3   NA     NA      NA  
 4 year              dbl       0    0        1 2023   2023    2023  
 5 type              chr       0    0        3   NA     NA      NA  
 6 color_dark        dbl       0    0        2    0      0.09    1  
 7 alcohol_vol_pct   dbl       2    1.2     35    0      4.32    8.4
 8 original_wort     dbl       5    3.1     54    5.1   11.3    18.3
 9 energy_kcal_100ml dbl      11    6.8     34   20     39.9    62  
10 carb_g_100ml      dbl      16    9.9     44    1.5    3.53    6.7
11 sugar_g_100ml     dbl      16    9.9     26    0      0.72    4.6
# explore data manually
beer |> explore(type)
beer |> explore(energy_kcal_100ml)
beer |> explore(energy_kcal_100ml, target = type)
beer |> explore(alcohol_vol_pct, energy_kcal_100ml, target = type)
explore data manual
# explore manually with color and interactive
beer |> 
  explore(sugar_g_100ml, color = "gold") |> 
explore with color and interactive

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