Colors & Hash Rockets in IRB
and $stdout
Please note: Version 2.0 of this gem requires Ruby 3 and IRB 1.7+
require 'fancy_irb'
You can pass an options hash as argument. These are the default values:
:rocket_mode => true, # activate or deactivate #=> rocket
:rocket_prompt => '#=> ', # prompt to use for the rocket
:result_prompt => '=> ', # prompt to use for normal output
:colorize => { # colors hash. Set to nil to deactivate colors
:rocket_prompt => [:blue],
:result_prompt => [:blue],
:input_prompt => nil,
:irb_errors => [:red, :clean],
:stderr => [:red, :bright],
:stdout => nil,
:input => nil,
Rocket mode means: Instead of displaying the result on the next line, show it
on the same line (if there is enough space)
For more information on which colors can be used, see the paint documentation.
You will need ansicon or ConEmu or WSL.
Not all methods dealing with input data are patched properly to work with the rocket,
the gem focuses on the commonly used ones, like gets
or getc
Inspired by the irb_rocket gem by genki.
Copyright © 2010-2012, 2015-2023 Jan Lelis released under
the MIT license.