Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++.



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Managing large application state easily, resiliently, and with high performance is one of the hardest
problems in the cloud today. The FASTER project offers two artifacts to help tackle this problem.

  • FASTER Log is a high-performance concurrent persistent recoverable log, iterator, and random
    reader library in C#. It supports very frequent commit operations at low latency, and can quickly saturate
    disk bandwidth. It supports both sync and async interfaces, handles disk errors, and supports checksums.

  • FASTER KV is a concurrent key-value store + cache (available in C# and C++) that is designed for point
    lookups and heavy updates. FASTER supports data larger than memory, by leveraging fast external
    storage (local or cloud). It also supports consistent recovery using a fast non-blocking checkpointing technique
    that lets applications trade-off performance for commit latency.

Both FASTER KV and FASTER Log offer orders-of-magnitude higher performance than comparable solutions, on standard
workloads. Start learning about FASTER, its unique capabilities, and how to get started at our official website:


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