
A PDF generator for Rails using Ferrum & headless Chrome



PDFs & screentshots for Rails using Ferrum & headless Chrome.

Inspired by Grover.


First, make sure Chrome is installed

Run the following or add the gem to your Gemfile:

bundle add "ferrum_pdf"


You can use FerrumPdf to render PDFs and Screenshots

๐Ÿ“„ PDFs

There are two ways to render PDFs:

Render PDFs from Rails controllers

Use the render_pdf helper in Rails controllers to render a PDF from the current action.

def show
  respond_to do |format|
    format.pdf {
      pdf = render_pdf()
      send_data pdf, disposition: :inline, filename: "example.pdf"

You can also customize which template is rendered. This will render the template to string with render_to_string in Rails, then pass it along to Chrome. For example, you can add headers and footers using pdf_options and use a specific layout:

  layout: "pdf,
  pdf_options: {
    display_header_footer: true,
    header_template: FerrumPdf::DEFAULT_HEADER_TEMPLATE,
    footer_template: FerrumPdf::DEFAULT_FOOTER_TEMPLATE

Render PDFs

FerrumPdf can generate a PDF from HTML or a URL:

FerrumPdf.render_pdf(html: content)
FerrumPdf.render_pdf(url: "https://google.com")

You can also pass host and protocol to convert any relative paths to full URLs. This is helpful for converting relative asset paths to full URLs.

  html: content, # Provide HTML
  url: "https://example.com", # or provide a URL to the content
  host: request.base_url + "/", # Used for setting the host for relative paths
  protocol: request.protocol, # Used for handling relative protocol paths
  authorize: { user: "username", password: "password" }, # Used for authenticating with basic auth
  wait_for_idle_options: { connections: 0, duration: 0.05, timeout: 5 }, # Used for setting network wait_for_idle options

  pdf_options: {
    landscape: false, # paper orientation
    scale: 1, # Scale of the webpage rendering
    format: nil,
    paper_width: 8.5, # Paper width in inches
    paper_height: 11, # Paper height in inches
    page_ranges: nil, # Paper ranges to print "1-5, 8 11-13"

    # Margins (in inches, defaults to 1cm)
    margin_top: 0.4,
    margin_bottom: 0.4,
    margin_left: 0.4,
    margin_right: 0.4,

    # Header, footer, and background options
    # Variables can be used with CSS classes. For example <span class="date"></span>
    # * date: formatted print date
    # * title: document title
    # * url: document location
    # * pageNumber: current page number
    # *totalPages: total pages in the document

    display_header_footer: false,
    print_background: false, # Print background graphics
    header_template: "", # HTML template for the header
    footer_template: "", # HTML template for the footer

See Chrome DevTools Protocol docs and Ferrumโ€™s #pdf docs for the full set of options.

๐ŸŽ† Screenshots

There are two ways to render Screenshots:

Render Screenshots from Rails controllers

Use the render_screenshot helper in Rails controllers to render a PDF from the current action.

def show
  respond_to do |format|
    format.png {
      screenshot = render_screenshot()
      send_data screenshot, disposition: :inline, filename: "example.png"

You can also customize which template is rendered. This will render the template to string with render_to_string in Rails, then pass it along to Chrome.

  screenshot_options: {
    format: "png" # or "jpeg"
    quality: nil # Integer 0-100 works for jpeg only
    full: true # Boolean whether you need full page screenshot or a viewport
    selector: nil # String css selector for given element, optional
    area: nil # Hash area for screenshot, optional. {x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100}
    scale: nil # Float zoom in/out
    background_color: nil # Ferrum::RGBA.new(0, 0, 0, 0.0)

See Ferrum screenshot docs for the full set of options.

Render Screenshots

FerrumPdf can generate a screenshot from HTML or a URL:

FerrumPdf.render_screenshot(html: content)
FerrumPdf.render_screenshot(url: "https://google.com")

You can also pass host and protocol to convert any relative paths to full URLs. This is helpful for converting relative asset paths to full URLs.

  html: "",
  url: "",
  root_url: "",
  protocol: "",
  screenshot_options: {
    format: "png" # or "jpeg"
    quality: nil # Integer 0-100 works for jpeg only
    full: true # Boolean whether you need full page screenshot or a viewport
    selector: nil # String css selector for given element, optional
    area: nil # Hash area for screenshot, optional. {x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100}
    scale: nil # Float zoom in/out
    background_color: nil # Ferrum::RGBA.new(0, 0, 0, 0.0)


If you have an issue youโ€™d like to submit, please do so using the issue tracker in GitHub. In order for us to help you in the best way possible, please be as detailed as you can.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.