Fileless PE

Python program generates a Python script ( to load a DLL or EXE file from a given URL. It provides functionality to specify a method to execute if the file is a DLL. The script utilizes the pythonmemorymodule library for memory manipulation.




  • The provided Python program generates a Python script ( to load a DLL or EXE file from a given URL. It provides functionality to specify a method to execute if the file is a DLL. The script utilizes the pythonmemorymodule library for memory manipulation.


  • Dynamic Code Generation: Generates Python script ( based on user input for URL, file type (DLL or EXE), and method (if applicable).
  • DLL and EXE Loading: Loads DLL or EXE files from a specified URL using the pythonmemorymodule library.
  • Method Execution (DLL): Executes a specified method within a DLL file if provided by the user.
  • Error Handling: Provides error messages and gracefully exits in case of invalid user input or interruption.

How to Use

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone && cd Fileless-PE

  2. Run the Script:


    _______ __     __                     ____  ______
   / ____(_) /__  / /__  __________      / __ \/ ____/
  / /_  / / / _ \/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/_____/ /_/ / __/   
 / __/ / / /  __/ /  __(__  |__  )_____/ ____/ /___   
/_/   /_/_/\___/_/\___/____/____/     /_/   /_____/    
                                      By @malwarekid

Enter the URL: url
Enter the file type (dll or exe): dll
Enter the method (Example Method: DLLRegisterServer): DLLRegisterServer
Enter the output file name (default: 
Code generated and saved to
  1. Enter Input Parameters:

    • URL: Enter the URL from which you want to load the DLL or EXE file.

    • File Type: Choose the type of file you want to load (dll or exe). Enter the corresponding option.

    • Method (if applicable): If you selected dll as the file type, you’ll be prompted to enter the method you want to execute within the DLL file. Provide the method name when prompted.

    • Output File Name: Optionally, you can specify a custom output file name for the generated Python script. If left empty, the default name will be used.

    • Optionally, choose to pre-encode the command if it contains special characters like ', ", or $.
    • The generated Python script ( will be saved in the current directory.
    • Press Ctrl+C at any time to cancel the operation.


  • Python 3.x
  • pythonmemorymodule library



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Feel free to contribute, report issues, or provide feedback and dont forget to follow me on Instagram and github Happy Hacking!