flexi skeleton fe

Vue Scaffold - SPA from Scratch to PROD #Animation #Integrated Components #MediaMixins #Dedicated Data Folders #Ready Template

![Flexi Skeleton FE - Scaffolded Vue for building powerful SPA’s ]

❗❗❗ This is README for FlexiVue Skeleton ❗❗❗

Full configured Vue SPA Skeleton made by me

❔ Why to use Flexi Skeleton FE

  • 👉 Good start point for developing powerful app with modern and responsive design.
  • 👉 Everything set up and configured to work on dev and prod server.
  • 👉 Dedicated folders for components, directives, mixins, animation, services, vuex store …
  • 👉 Media Mixins - The easiest way to create both, desktop and mobile version of the app, in the same time.
  • 👉 Integrated bunch of reusable components from my framework named flexivue.
  • 👉 Created sample of API call that fetch data as .json and render it together with the Vue.js components
  • 👉 Simple way of using Animations, Spinners, Tooltips, Icons, Parallax …
  • 👉 Predifined Template

🚀 Live Demo

🌟 Checkout my sites:

👉 To get a better understanding how this actually works, I encourage you to check the whole description below.

⚙ Installation

Project setup

  • git clone https://github.com/SchnapsterDog/flexi-skeleton-fe.git
  • npm install (install app localy)
  • npm run serve (compiles and hot-reloads for developmenet)
  • npm run build (compiles and minified for production environment)
  • npm run test (run your tests)
  • npm run test:unit (test the units)
  • npm run lint (lints and fixed files)


👉 Create .env file. Inside set up the VUE_APP_API_CLIENT to ‘local’ in order to fetch data from json file stored in data folder. (Default)

👉 Dont modify vue.config.json


  • Integrated Vue Router. App could have as much pages as we need. 👉 See inside src/router how we create the routes.
  • Integrated Vuex Store with dedicated files
  • Integrated FlexiVue framework with all components divided in atoms, moleculs and organism. 👉 For more information about framework see documentation: https://github.com/SchnapsterDog/framework-flexivue
  • Created json data which renders together with the vue components.
  • Created services folder.
  • Created axios request that fetch data from local .json file
  • Integrated scss from FlexiVue framework.👉App contains separate optimizied scss files that could be start point for modifing components.
  • Integrated media mixins
  • Integrated AOS
  • Integrated Ion-icons
  • Integrated Epic-spinners
  • Integrated V-Tooltip Directive

👉 App looks well on mostly used browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.

🤔 How to use it?

Integrated FlexiVue Framework with all skeleton components divided in atoms, moleculs and organism.

We dont need to register FlexiVue components separetely. They are already integrated with the skeleton.
We can simply use them:

<flexi-topcard :inputData="inputData.topCard" v-if="inputData.topCard" />
<flexi-nav :inputData="inputData.navigationSections" v-show="!isNavOpen" />

Or with slots:

<flexi-section :inputData="inputData.services" v-show="inputData.services.cards">
  <template v-slot:content>
    <flexi-card v-for="(value, key) in inputData.services.cards" :key="key" :inputData="value" />
  <template v-slot:button>

All components are reusable and could be modified with slots as much as possible. Some of the components have scoped slots and most of the buttons send events on click.

  <template v-slot:item="slotProps">
    <span class="slider__item" v-html="slotProps.currentItem.content" />
    <i class="icon" :class="slotProps.currentItem.class"></i>

Integrated Font-awesome Icons

Add/Remove Icons into icons/index.js and than easy use them into components.

import Vue from 'vue';
import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core';

import {
    // here you can import font awesome component
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'

import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'

    // add FA icons into library

Than into components:

<font-awesome-icon icon="bold" size="2x" />

Integrated Epic-spinners

Usage of modern and minimalistic spinners throught the components are really easy. Everything that need is just to import and register them inside animation/spinners/index.js file.
See more at: 👉 https://github.com/epicmaxco/epic-spinners

import Vue from 'vue';
import { FlowerSpinner } from "epic-spinners";

Vue.component('flower-spinner', FlowerSpinner);

Than in Vue components we just need to call them properly:

<flower-spinner />

Integrated V-Tooltip Directive

V-tooltip directive could be attached on every html element. It will show on hover.

<sample-component v-tooltip="'Some good tooltip.'" />

Position and place:

<sample-component v-tooltip.bottom-center="'I am bottom centered.'"  />

Application Structure

├── assets
│   ├── img
│   |   ├── ab.jpg
|   |   ├── about_grey.jpg
|   |   └── parallax.jpg
|   |
|   └──scss
|       ├── application.scss
|       └── parts
|              ├── _buttons.scss
|              ├── _colors.scss
|              ├── _font.scss
|              ├── _footer.scss
|              ├── _layout.scss
|              ├── _media-mixins.scss
|              ├── _navigation.scss
|              ├── _section.scss
|              ├── _topcard.scss
|              └── _variables.scss
├── components
│   └── reusable
|           └── SampleComponent.vue
├── router
|   └── index.js
├── services
|   ├── local
|   |   └── index.js
|   |
|   └── server
|       └── index.js
├── static
|   ├── constants
|   |   └── routes.js
|   |
|   └── data
|       └── items.json
├── store
│   ├── actions.js
│   ├── getters.js
|   ├── helpers.js
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── mutations.js
│   └── state.js
├── views
│   └── Home.vue
├── App.vue
└── main.js

Structure Described:

  1. Assets folder contains two subfolders: img and scss. Scss folder contains separate scss files which are unify in application.scss file injected into APP.vue
   ├── img
   |   ├── ab.jpg
   |   ├── about_grey.jpg
   |   └── parallax.jpg
       ├── application.scss
       └── parts
              ├── _buttons.scss
              ├── _colors.scss
              ├── _font.scss
              ├── _footer.scss
              ├── _layout.scss
              ├── _media-mixins.scss
              ├── _navigation.scss
              ├── _section.scss
              ├── _topcard.scss
              └── _variables.scss
  1. Components folder contains reusable custom made Vue.js components, designed to be extendable using slots or passing data to them through created props.
   └── reusable
           ├── FlexiButton.vue
           ├── FlexiCard.vue
           ├── FlexiContentLine.vue
           ├── FlexiFooter.vue
           ├── FlexiNav.vue
           ├── FlexiScrollLink.vue
           ├── FlexiSection.vue
           ├── FlexiTimeline.vue
           ├── FlexiTopcard.vue
           └── FlexiWidget.vue
  1. Router folder - Responsible for APP routes. Imported in main.js file.
   └── index.js
  1. Services folder contains local and server subfolders, which are responsible for the API calls. Depend on the .env setting (local or server), we can easy use fake or real API call. By defult, Application fetch data from local storage.
── services
   ├── local
   │   └── index.js
   └── server
       └── index.js
  1. Static folder contains two subfolders: constants and data. In static subfolder, there is items.json, which represents mock-up data needed for our fake API call.
── static
   ├── constants
   │   └── routes.js
   └── data 
       └── items.json
  1. Store folder contains six files, that together create powerful Vuex store. Main point is index.js, where actions, muttations, getters, state are imported.
   ├── actions.js
   ├── getters.js
   ├── helpers.js
   ├── index.js
   ├── mutations.js
   └── state.js
  1. Views folder contains Home.vue which runs inside

  2. App.vue component is the core component, which contains the entire skeleton of the application.

<div id="app">
  <flexi-footer :inputData="inputData.social" />
  1. Main.js file is the enter point of the application. Inside we init the Vue instance, import router and vuex store, and render the entire application through App.vue component.
new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

BEM Methodology

  • SCSS Files are structured using BEM Methodolgy. They could be easy override if needed.
.nav {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;
  width: 100%;
  align-items: center;
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  z-index: 9999;

  &__container {

Media Mixins

  • If we need to customize or optimize our app to be mobile responsive, we can simple use:
@include for-mobile {
    //some code for mobie devices

@include for-tablet {

Components Described @TODO

I FlexiSection

  • :inputData=“inputData“
<div v-show="inputData.contentLine" class="section__line">
  <slot name="content-line">
    <flexi-content-line :text="inputData.contentLine" />
<div v-show="inputData.widgets" class="section__widget">
  <slot name="widgets">
    <flexi-widget v-for="(widget, key) in inputData.widgets" :key="key" :widget="widget" />