
FluentLenium is a web & mobile automation framework which extends Selenium to write reliable and resilient UI functional tests. This framework is React ready. Written and maintained by people who are automating browser-based tests on a daily basis.


What is FluentLenium ?

FluentLenium CI pipeline
Maven Central

FluentLenium helps you writing readable, reusable, reliable and resilient UI functional tests for the browser and mobile

FluentLenium provides a Java fluent interface to
Selenium, and brings some extra features
to avoid common issues faced by Selenium users.

FluentLenium is shipped with adapters for JUnit4, JUnit5
, TestNG, Spock
, Kotest
, Spring TestNG
and Cucumber, but it can also be
used standalone.

FluentLenium best integrates with AssertJ, but you can also choose to use
the assertion framework you want.

FluentLenium can be used to make your mobile Appium tests fluent and
easier to maintain.

FluentLenium gives you multiple methods which help you write tests
quicker. All those methods are tested daily by commercial regression test suites maintained by project developers.


Quickstart steps are described in deail in our separate documentation section.


public class DuckDuckGoTest extends FluentTest {
    public void titleOfDuckDuckGoShouldContainSearchQueryName() {

More detailed FluentLenium examples are available
in examples section. Examples include headless
Chrome and Firefox, Spring-based framework supporting multiple browsers
and much more.


Detailed documentation is available on fluentlenium.io.


Javadoc is available on fluentlenium.io/javadoc.

Modules summary

To help you navigate through FluentLenium, here’s a short summary about its modules and what support they provide.

  • fluentlenium-core: Contains core functionality of FluentLenium, including webdriver configuration, page object
    support and injection logic.
  • fluentlenium-junit: Provides support for integration with JUnit 4.
  • fluentlenium-junit-jupiter: Provides support for integration with JUnit 5.
  • fluentlenium-testng: Provides support for integration with TestNG.
  • fluentlenium-spock: Provides support for integration with Spock.
  • fluentlenium-spring-testng: Provides support for integration
    with Spring Test NG
  • fluentlenium-kotest: Provides support for integration with Kotest
  • fluentlenium-kotest-assertions: Provides custom Kotest matchers
  • fluentlenium-cucumber: Provides support for integration with Cucumber. This may be combined
    with any of the modules above that are also supported by Cucumber.
  • fluentlenium-assertj: Provides AssertJ assertions for FluentLenium
    specific objects like FluentWebElement, FluentList and FluentPage.
  • fluentlenium-integration-tests: Integration tests for validating the correctness of FluentLenium features
  • fluentlenium-coverage-report: Creates jacoco test coverage report.
  • fluentlenium-ide-support: Though not an actual Maven module, it contains resources to make working with
    FluentLenium in the IDE easier.

Contact Us

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FluentLenium Issue Tracker