
A desktop app to import, edit and export fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems



FontEdit is a desktop application that allows you to convert general-purpose
fixed-width desktop fonts to byte array representation that’s suitable for
use in embedded systems displays.

It’s written in C++ with Qt UI and was tested on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

Read more about it in the blog post.



With FontEdit you can:

  • import fonts from the operating system - to load a custom font, you should
    first register it in your OS,
  • edit individual font glyphs after importing - automatic import is a best-effort
    operation and although the font should be usable right after importing, you
    might want to tweak it so that it looks better,
  • add new glyphs to a font document - either by copying an existing glyph, starting
    from scratch or adding a glyph from a character you input (useful for adding
    non-ASCII characters to your font),
  • export the font as source code (in a form of byte array) suitable for Arduino,
    C/C++ or Python,
  • save your progress to a file - the font document file is cross-platform so you can
    e.g. import and edit it on MacOS and then move to RPi and export the code from there,
  • as of 1.1.0 you can do partial exports, i.e. export only a bunch of font characters
    that you really need for your application (
    this blog post).

Font Editor

You can edit font glyphs with a minimal editor that’s controlled with a mouse
and keyboard. Click and drag the mouse to set pixels (making them black), hold
Alt or Ctrl (⌘) to erase. Use touchpad scroll (mouse wheel) with Ctrl (⌘) to zoom
the editor canvas.

You can also reset the current glyph or the whole font to their initial state
(from latest save). The editor supports Undo/Redo for most operations.

Source Code Export

The font data can be exported to:

  • a C file (also suitable for use with C++),
  • an Arduino-specific C file (using PROGMEM),
  • a Python list or bytes object (both compatible with Python 2.x/3.x and MicroPython).

You can switch between MSB and LSB mode, invert all the bits, and conditionally include
line spacings in font definition (not recommended unless you have a very good reason
for it). The tab size can be configured.

Getting FontEdit


The Releases GitHub page contains
packages for:

  • Ubuntu/Debian (amd64),
  • Raspbian Buster (armhf),
  • MacOS,
  • Windows.

Building from source


  • Qt (tested with >= 5.9)
  • cmake (3.9 or newer)
  • C++ compiler that supports C++17

Follow these steps to build the app from the source code:

  1. Clone the Git repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd fontedit
  2. Check out Git submodules:

    $ git submodule update --init
  3. Build with CMake:

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    $ make
  4. (Optionally) Install on Linux with: make install or create a dmg
    image on MacOS with make dmg.

Bugs, ideas, improvements

Please report bugs and feature requests via GitHub Issues or as a pull request.


© 2020 Dominik Kapusta

This app is distributed in accordance with GPL v3. See LICENSE for details.
The app uses icons from made by
Freepik and
Pixel perfect.