Extensible security first OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect SDK for Go.
The security first OAuth2 & OpenID Connect framework for
Go. Built simple, powerful and extensible. This library
implements peer-reviewed IETF RFC6749,
counterfeits weaknesses covered in peer-reviewed
IETF RFC6819 and countermeasures various
database attack scenarios, keeping your application safe when that hacker
penetrates or leaks your database. OpenID Connect is implemented according to
OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 1
and includes all flows: code, implicit, hybrid.
This library considered and implemented:
OAuth2 and OpenID Connect are difficult protocols. If you want quick wins, we
strongly encourage you to look at Hydra.
Hydra is a secure, high performance, cloud native OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
service that integrates with every authentication method imaginable and is built
on top of Fosite.
Table of Contents
Fosite was written because our OAuth2 and OpenID Connect service
Hydra required a secure and extensible
OAuth2 library. We had to realize that nothing matching our requirements was out
there, so we decided to build it ourselves.
The core public API is almost stable as most changes will only touch the inner
We strongly encourage vendoring fosite using
dep or comparable tools.
The example does not have nice visuals but it should give you an idea of what
you can do with Fosite and a few lines of code.
You can run this minimalistic example by doing
go get github.com/ory/fosite-example
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ory/fosite-example
dep ensure
go install github.com/ory/fosite-example
There should be a server listening on localhost:3846.
You can check out the example’s source code
We tried to set up as many tests as possible and test for as many cases covered
in the RFCs as possible. But we are only human. Please, feel free to add tests
for the various cases defined in the OAuth2 RFCs 6749 and 6819 or any other
cases that improve the tests.
Everyone writing an RFC conform test that breaks with the current
implementation, will receive a place in the Hall of Fame!
Please be aware that Fosite only secures parts of your server side security. You
still need to secure your apps and clients, keep your tokens safe, prevent CSRF
attacks, ensure database security, use valid and strong TLS certificates and
much more. If you need any help or advice feel free to contact our security
staff through our website!
We have given the various specifications, especially
OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations,
a very close look and included everything we thought was in the scope of this
framework. Here is a complete list of things we implemented in Fosite:
Additionally, we added these safeguards:
is created using HMAC-SHA256 using a global secret. This/tgBeUhWlAT8tM8Bhmnx+Amf8rOYOUhrDi3pGzmjP7c=.BiV/Yhma+5moTP46anxMT6cWW8gz5R5vpC9RbpwSDdM=
Sections below Section 5 that
are not covered in the list above should be reviewed by you. If you think that a
specific section should be something that is covered in Fosite, feel free to
create an issue. Please be aware that
OpenID Connect requires specific knowledge of the identity provider, which is
why Fosite only implements core requirements and most things must be implemented
by you (for example prompt, max_age, ui_locales, id_token_hint, user
authentication, session management, …).
It is strongly encouraged to use the handlers shipped with Fosite as they
follow the specs and are well tested.
Fosite is extensible … because OAuth2 is an extensible and flexible
framework. Fosite let’s you register custom token and authorize endpoint
handlers with the security that the requests have been validated against the
OAuth2 specs beforehand. You can easily extend Fosite’s capabilities. For
example, if you want to provide OpenID Connect on top of your OAuth2 stack,
that’s no problem. Or custom assertions, what ever you like and as long as it is
secure. 😉
Go 1.11+ must be installed on your system and it is
required that you have set up your GOPATH environment variable.
go get -u github.com/ory/fosite/...
We recommend to use dep to mitigate
compatibility breaks that come with new api versions.
There is an API documentation available at
Fosite has three strategies for matching scopes. You can replace the default
scope strategy if you need a custom one by implementing fosite.ScopeStrategy
Using the composer, setting a strategy is easy:
import "github.com/ory/fosite"
var config = &fosite.Config{
ScopeStrategy: fosite.HierarchicScopeStrategy,
Note: To issue refresh tokens with any of the grants, you need to include
the offline
scope in the OAuth2 request. This can be modified by the
compose configuration. When set to an empty array, all
grants will issue refresh tokens.
This is the default strategy, and the safest one. It is best explained by
looking at some examples:
matches users.read
matches users.read.foo
matches users.read
does not match users.read
does not match users.read
does not match users.read
matches users.read.own
matches users.read.own.other
matches users.read.own
matches users.read.own.other
does not match users.read.own
matches users.baz.bar
does not users.baz.baz.bar
To request users.*
, a client must have exactly users.*
as granted scope.
This strategy is searching only for exact matches. It returns true iff the scope
is granted.
This strategy is deprecated, use it with care. Again, it is best explained by
looking at some examples:
matches users
matches users.read
matches users.read.own
matches users.read
matches users.read.own
does not match users.write
does not match users.write.own
Fosite does not natively carry translations for error messages and hints, but
offers an interface that allows the consumer to define catalog bundles and an
implementation to translate. This is available through the
MessageCatalog interface. The functions defined are
self-explanatory. The DefaultMessageCatalog
illustrates this. Compose config
has been extended to take in an instance of the MessageCatalog
There are three possible “message key” types:
: This is a string like invalid_request
: This func isWithHint
and WithHintf
: This function is used in Fosite and HydraAn example of a message catalog can be seen in the
messages fileThis is a WIP at the moment, but effectively any scripting language can be used
to generate this. It would need to traverse all files in the source code and
extract the possible message identifiers based on the different message key
Instantiating fosite by hand can be painful. Therefore we created a few
convenience helpers available through the compose package. It is
strongly encouraged to use these well tested composers.
In this very basic example, we will instantiate fosite with all OpenID Connect
and OAuth2 handlers enabled. Please refer to the
example app for more details.
This little code snippet sets up a full-blown OAuth2 and OpenID Connect example.
package main
import "github.com/ory/fosite"
import "github.com/ory/fosite/compose"
import "github.com/ory/fosite/storage"
// This is the example storage that contains:
// * an OAuth2 Client with id "my-client" and secrets "foobar" and "foobaz" capable of all oauth2 and open id connect grant and response types.
// * a User for the resource owner password credentials grant type with username "peter" and password "secret".
// You will most likely replace this with your own logic once you set up a real world application.
var storage = storage.NewExampleStore()
// This secret is being used to sign access and refresh tokens as well as
// authorization codes. It must be exactly 32 bytes long.
var secret = []byte("my super secret signing password")
privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {
panic("unable to create private key")
// check the api docs of fosite.Config for further configuration options
var config = &fosite.Config{
AccessTokenLifespan: time.Minute * 30,
GlobalSecret: secret,
// ...
var oauth2Provider = compose.ComposeAllEnabled(config, storage, privateKey)
// The authorize endpoint is usually at "https://mydomain.com/oauth2/auth".
func authorizeHandlerFunc(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// This context will be passed to all methods. It doesn't fulfill a real purpose in the standard library but could be used
// to abort database lookups or similar things.
ctx := req.Context()
// Let's create an AuthorizeRequest object!
// It will analyze the request and extract important information like scopes, response type and others.
ar, err := oauth2Provider.NewAuthorizeRequest(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
oauth2Provider.WriteAuthorizeError(ctx, rw, ar, err)
// Normally, this would be the place where you would check if the user is logged in and gives his consent.
// We're simplifying things and just checking if the request includes a valid username and password
if req.Form.Get("username") != "peter" {
rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
rw.Write([]byte(`<h1>Login page</h1>`))
<p>Howdy! This is the log in page. For this example, it is enough to supply the username.</p>
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="username" /> <small>try peter</small><br>
<input type="submit">
// Now that the user is authorized, we set up a session. When validating / looking up tokens, we additionally get
// the session. You can store anything you want in it.
// The session will be persisted by the store and made available when e.g. validating tokens or handling token endpoint requests.
// The default OAuth2 and OpenID Connect handlers require the session to implement a few methods. Apart from that, the
// session struct can be anything you want it to be.
mySessionData := &fosite.DefaultSession{
Username: req.Form.Get("username"),
// It's also wise to check the requested scopes, e.g.:
// if authorizeRequest.GetScopes().Has("admin") {
// http.Error(rw, "you're not allowed to do that", http.StatusForbidden)
// return
// }
// Now we need to get a response. This is the place where the AuthorizeEndpointHandlers kick in and start processing the request.
// NewAuthorizeResponse is capable of running multiple response type handlers which in turn enables this library
// to support open id connect.
response, err := oauth2Provider.NewAuthorizeResponse(ctx, ar, mySessionData)
if err != nil {
oauth2Provider.WriteAuthorizeError(ctx, rw, ar, err)
// Awesome, now we redirect back to the client redirect uri and pass along an authorize code
oauth2Provider.WriteAuthorizeResponse(ctx, rw, ar, response)
// The token endpoint is usually at "https://mydomain.com/oauth2/token"
func tokenHandlerFunc(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ctx := req.Context()
// Create an empty session object that will be passed to storage implementation to populate (unmarshal) the session into.
// By passing an empty session object as a "prototype" to the store, the store can use the underlying type to unmarshal the value into it.
// For an example of storage implementation that takes advantage of that, see SQL Store (fosite_store_sql.go) from ory/Hydra project.
mySessionData := new(fosite.DefaultSession)
// This will create an access request object and iterate through the registered TokenEndpointHandlers to validate the request.
accessRequest, err := oauth2Provider.NewAccessRequest(ctx, req, mySessionData)
if err != nil {
oauth2Provider.WriteAccessError(ctx, rw, accessRequest, err)
if mySessionData.Username == "super-admin-guy" {
// do something...
// Next we create a response for the access request. Again, we iterate through the TokenEndpointHandlers
// and aggregate the result in response.
response, err := oauth2Provider.NewAccessResponse(ctx, accessRequest)
if err != nil {
oauth2Provider.WriteAccessError(ctx, rw, accessRequest, err)
// All done, send the response.
oauth2Provider.WriteAccessResponse(ctx, rw, accessRequest, response)
// The client has a valid access token now
func someResourceProviderHandlerFunc(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ctx := req.Context()
requiredScope := "blogposts.create"
_, ar, err := oauth2Provider.IntrospectToken(ctx, fosite.AccessTokenFromRequest(req), fosite.AccessToken, new(fosite.DefaultSession), requiredScope)
if err != nil {
// ...
// If no error occurred the token + scope is valid and you have access to:
// ar.GetClient().GetID(), ar.GetGrantedScopes(), ar.GetScopes(), ar.GetSession().UserID, ar.GetRequestedAt(), ...
Fosite provides integration tests as well as a http server example:
If you have working examples yourself, please share them with us!
Fosite does not ship a storage implementation. This is intended, because
requirements vary with every environment. You can find a reference
implementation at storage/memory.go. This storage fulfills
requirements from all OAuth2 and OpenID Connect handlers.
OAuth2 is a framework. Fosite mimics this behaviour by enabling you to replace
existing or create new OAuth2 handlers. Of course, fosite ships handlers for all
OAuth2 and OpenID Connect flows.
This section is missing documentation and we welcome any contributions in that
Please note that when using the OAuth2StatelessJWTIntrospectionFactory access
token revocation is not possible.
You need git and golang installed on your system.
go get -d github.com/ory/fosite
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ory/fosite
git status
git remote add myfork <url-to-your-fork>
go test ./...
Simple, right? Now you are ready to go! Make sure to run go test ./...
detecting problems with your code rather sooner than later. Please read
[CONTRIBUTE.md] before creating pull requests and issues.
Run ./generate-mocks.sh
in fosite’s root directory or run the contents of
[generate-mocks.sh] in a shell.
This place is reserved for the fearless bug hunters, reviewers and contributors
(alphabetical order).
Find out more about the author of Fosite and Hydra, and
the Ory Company.