Full stack starter template
Monorepository TypeScript template for full stack applications.
- Maximized for productivity
- Based on cutting edge technologies
- Follows best practices for project structure, architecture, security
- Includes authentication module
This template includes a bunch of libraries to get you up and running quickly and improve your developer experience.
- React - main frontend library
- Vite - modern and fast build tool
- React Query - react hooks to facilitate fetching/updating/caching data on the server
- Zustand - easy state-management
- React router - for routing
- Cypress - end-to-end testing for your frontend
- Storybook - build your UI web components in isolation
Frontend UI
- Fastify - fast web framework for NodeJS
- Prisma - new generation ORM for working with relational databases
- Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
- dotenv - to load your configs from an .env file
- env-var - validate and sanitize your environmental variables
Shared libraries
- tRPC - Remote Procedure Calls for your TypeScript applications. Move faster by removing the need of a traditional API-layer.
- NX - build system with first class monorepo support and powerful integrations
- Jest - testing framework
- Eslint - static code analysis for identifying problematic patterns found in your code
Starting the app
- Clone the repository
- Copy
and rename to .env
npm run docker:env
- setup the database (postgresql) in docker
npm install
- install dependencies
npm run migrate:dev
- run migrations to create tables
npm run backend:dev
- run backend
npm run frontend:dev
- run frontend
npm run frontend:storybook
- start storybook to develop components in isolation
npm run dep-graph
- see dependency graph
- For more commands check
- To generate new apps in the monorepo, check out NX documentation.
Check out my other repositories
- Domain-Driven Hexagon - Guide on Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices etc.
- Backend best practices - Best practices, tools and guidelines for backend development.
- System Design Patterns - list of topics and resources related to distributed systems, system design, microservices, scalability and performance, etc.