🐱 A simple functional programming library for C#.
Fun is simple functional programming library written in C#, inspired by Scala.
Fun is available as a stand-alone library via nuget. Here’s an example nuget packages.config
file that pulls in Fun:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Fun" version="1.0.0" targetFramework="net45" />
Fluent function application:
"945bd525-d80e-4055-a762-7256b4b38403".Apply (Guid.Parse);
Immutable Unit
data type, the empty tuple ()
Func<String, Unit> print = (z) => {
Console.WriteLine (z);
return Unit.Value;
Fluent if
- else
Int32 x = 42;
If.Else (
x % 2 == 0, () => "x is even",
/* else */ () => "x is odd")
.Apply (print);
If.Else (
x % 3 == 0, () => "x is a multiple of three",
x % 2 == 0, () => "x is even",
/* else */ () => "x is odd")
.Apply (print);
Immutable Option
data type:
var oh = Option.Apply ("hello");
var ow = Option.Apply ("world");
oh.FlatMap ((h) => ow.Map ((w) => h + " " + w))
.ValueOrElse ("foobar")
.Apply (print);
Option.Apply (Console.ReadLine ())
.Match (
(z) => z,
() => "Read line returned null!")
.Apply (print);
Immutable Either
data type:
Either.Left <String, Int32>("foobar")
.MapLeft (z => z.ToUpper ())
.ValueOrElse ("!")
.Apply (print);
Either.Right <String, Int32> (42)
.Match (
(left) => left.Length,
(right) => right * 2)
.ToString ()
.Apply (print);
Immutable Try
data type:
Try.Apply (() => Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME"))
.Match (
(success) => success,
(failure) => "foobar")
.Apply (print);
Try.Apply (() => Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME"))
.Flatten ((failure) => "foobar")
.Apply (print);
Fun is licensed under the MIT License; you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.