This Geolocation PHP class connects to Google Geocoding API to find latitude/longitude or the address.
This Geolocation PHP class connects to Google Maps API to find latitude/longitude or address.
When using Composer you can always load in the latest version.
composer require jeroendesloovere/geolocation-php-api
Check in Packagist.
Get latitude/longitude coordinates from address.
$street = 'Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein';
$streetNumber = '1';
$city = 'Gent';
$zip = '1';
$country = 'belgium';
$result = Geolocation::getCoordinates(
Get address from latitude/longitude coordinates.
$latitude = 51.0363935;
$longitude = 3.7121008;
$result = Geolocation::getAddress(
Check the Geolocation class source.
I’ve also created a Symfony bundle.
View the Geolocation bundle.
We have tests to make sure everything works as expected.
First execute composer install
Then execute vendor/bin/phpunit tests
We use squizlabs/php_codesniffer to maintain the code standards.
Type the following to execute them:
# To view the code errors
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=psr2 --extensions=php --warning-severity=0 --report=full "src"
# OR to fix the code errors
vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=psr2 --extensions=php --warning-severity=0 --report=full "src"
The class is well documented inline. If you use a decent IDE you’ll see that each method is documented with PHPDoc.
It would be great if you could help us improve this class. GitHub does a great job in managing collaboration by providing different tools, the only thing you need is a GitHub login.
The module is licensed under MIT. In short, this license allows you to do everything as long as the copyright statement stays present.