DEPRECATED Test Framework for Objective-C
instead.GHUnit is a test framework for Mac OS X and iOS.
It can be used standalone or with other testing frameworks like SenTestingKit or GTM.
If you need support for asynchronous tests you might want to check out GRUnit which is a recent fork of this project.
$ gem install ghunit
This will edit your ProjectName.xcodeproj file and create a Tests target, scheme, and a sample test file.
$ ghunit install -n ProjectName
Create a new file named Podfile
in the directory that contains the your .xcodeproj
file, or edit it if it already exists.
# Podfile
platform :ios, '6.0'
target :Tests do
pod 'GHUnit', '~> 0.5.9'
Install your project’s pods. CocoaPods will then download and configure the required libraries for your project:
$ pod install
Note: If you don’t have a Tests target in your project, you will get an error: “[!] Unable to find a target named Tests”. If you named your test target something different, such as “ProjectTests” then the Podfile target line should look like: target :ProjectTests do
You should use the .xcworkspace
file to work on your project:
$ open ProjectName.xcworkspace
$ ghunit install_cli -n ProjectName
Install ios-sim using homebrew:
$ brew install ios-sim
Now you can run tests from the command line:
$ ghunit run -n ProjectName
To generate a test in your test target with name SampleTest:
$ ghunit add -n ProjectName -f SampleTest
cd Project-iOS && make
Add the GHUnitIOS.framework
to your project
cd Project-MacOSX && make
Add the GHUnit.framework
to your project