Animated GIF resizer, optimizer, trimmer for Mac. Uses Gifsicle under the hood


GIFPop Icon


GIFPop is a simple & free animated .GIF editor for Mac, written in Swift. Its minimal UI wraps gifsicle under the hood, and currently supports the following:

  • Resizing
  • Optimizing
  • Trimming frames
  • Reducing colors

How To Use

  1. Drag a .gif onto the preview pane (or hit Cmd-O to choose a file)
  2. Adjust the size, trimming, and other options if needed (Note: only resizing is reflected in the preview, trimming and other options will be visible in the saved GIF)
  3. Click ‘Save GIF…’ to export the new GIF

GIFPop Demo


  • Either download and run the .xcodeproj, or you can use the precompiled app (below)
  • If you have gifsicle installed, GIFPop will use your existing build for processing
  • If you don’t have gifsicle installed, GIFPop will use the precompiled version bundled with app

System Requirements

  • GIFPop currently targets macOS 10.9+

Precompiled Binary

GIFPop is also available as a prebuilt (and unsigned) app here: (Last update: 10/16/2016)


GIFPop provides a simple GUI for a few commonly-used features of gifsicle, however it barely scratches the surface of what Gifsicle can do. For more options, you can run Gifsicle from the command-line.


GIFPop is still a work-in-progress. Current ToDo’s include:

  • [ ] Process GIFs in background and provide live previews (so that trimming, optimization, etc. are visible in the preview)
  • [ ] Support export of resized gif by drag-and-drop
  • [x] Improve constraints when very large GIFs are loaded
  • [ ] Add options for frame delay changes
  • [ ] Remember previously used options on launch (default optimization, etc)?
  • [ ] Fix drag of new GIFs onto preview pane
  • [ ] Provide a spinner or progress bar while processing large GIFs


Matt Reagan - Website: - Twitter: @hmblebee


GIFPop’s source code and related resources are Copyright © Matthew Reagan 2016. The source code is released under the MIT License. Gifsicle is distributed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.


  • GIFPop is just a UI wrapper for the very awesome Gifsicle tool. For more info visit the gifsicle Homepage