
A command line tool for replicating git repositories from one service to another



gitpusher is a command line tool for replicating git repositories from one service to another.

$ gitpusher -c default.yml

default.yml is like this.

:base_dir: /var/repos
  :type: github
  :type: bitbucket

With this settings, all of your repositories on GitHub will be replicated to Bitbucket.
(User name and password of each service are asked when you run the command first.)

If you would like to replicate GitHub organization’s repos instead of your own repos, settings are like this.

:base_dir: /var/repos
  :type: github
  :organization: github_organization_name
  :type: bitbucket

Now this tool supports only replicating from GitHub to Bitbucket.

Parallel processing

You will spend a lot of time when you have many repositories.
Now, to save your time, gitpusher supports parallel processing.

You can specify the number of processes by --process, or -p, option.

If you do:

$ gitpusher -c default.yml --process 6

then 6 repositories are processed at a time.