
Package Management for Golang


Glide: Vendor Package Management for Golang

glide logo

Are you used to tools such as Cargo, npm, Composer, Nuget, Pip, Maven, Bundler,
or other modern package managers? If so, Glide is the comparable Go tool.

Manage your vendor and vendored packages with ease. Glide is a tool for
managing the vendor directory within a Go package. This feature, first
introduced in Go 1.5, allows each package to have a vendor directory
containing dependent packages for the project. These vendor packages can be
installed by a tool (e.g. glide), similar to go get or they can be vendored and
distributed with the package.

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Go Modules

The Go community is now using Go Modules to handle dependencies. Please consider
using that instead of Glide. Glide is now mostly unmaintained.


  • Ease dependency management
  • Support versioning packages including Semantic Versioning
    support. Any constraint the
    package can parse can be used.
  • Support aliasing packages (e.g. for working with github forks)
  • Remove the need for munging import statements
  • Work with all of the go tools
  • Support the VCS tools that Go supports:
    • git
    • bzr
    • hg
    • svn
  • Support custom local and global plugins (see docs/
  • Repository caching and data caching for improved performance.
  • Flatten dependencies resolving version differences and avoiding the inclusion
    of a package multiple times.
  • Manage and install dependencies on-demand or vendored in your version control

How It Works

Glide scans the source code of your application or library to determine the needed
dependencies. To determine the versions and locations (such as aliases for forks)
Glide reads a glide.yaml file with the rules. With this information Glide retrieves
needed dependencies.

When a dependent package is encountered its imports are scanned to determine
dependencies of dependencies (transitive dependencies). If the dependent project
contains a glide.yaml file that information is used to help determine the
dependency rules when fetching from a location or version to use. Configuration
from Godep, GB, GOM, and GPM is also imported.

The dependencies are exported to the vendor/ directory where the go tools
can find and use them. A glide.lock file is generated containing all the
dependencies, including transitive ones.

The glide init command can be use to setup a new project, glide update
regenerates the dependency versions using scanning and rules, and glide install
will install the versions listed in the glide.lock file, skipping scanning,
unless the glide.lock file is not found in which case it will perform an update.

A project is structured like this:

- $GOPATH/src/myProject (Your project)
  |-- glide.yaml
  |-- glide.lock
  |-- main.go (Your main go code can live here)
  |-- mySubpackage (You can create your own subpackages, too)
  |    |
  |    |-- foo.go
  |-- vendor
            |-- Masterminds
                  |-- ... etc.

Take a look at the Glide source code
to see this philosophy in action.


The easiest way to install the latest release on Mac or Linux is with the following script:

curl | sh

On Mac OS X you can also install the latest release via Homebrew:

$ brew install glide

On Ubuntu Precise (12.04), Trusty (14.04), Wily (15.10) or Xenial (16.04) you can install from our PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:masterminds/glide && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install glide

On Ubuntu Zesty (17.04) the package is called golang-glide.

Binary packages are available for Mac, Linux and Windows.

For a development version it is also possible to go get

To build from source you can:

  1. Clone this repository into $GOPATH/src/ and
    change directory into it
  2. If you are using Go 1.5 ensure the environment variable GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT is set, for
    example by running export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1. In Go 1.6 it is enabled by default and
    in Go 1.7 it is always enabled without the ability to turn it off.
  3. Run make build

This will leave you with ./glide, which you can put in your $PATH if
you’d like. (You can also take a look at make install to install for

The Glide repo has now been configured to use glide to
manage itself, too.


$ glide create                            # Start a new workspace
$ open glide.yaml                         # and edit away!
$ glide get # Get a package and add to glide.yaml
$ glide install                           # Install packages and dependencies
# work, work, work
$ go build                                # Go tools work normally
$ glide up                                # Update to newest versions of the package

Check out the glide.yaml in this directory, or examples in the docs/

glide create (aliased to init)

Initialize a new workspace. Among other things, this creates a glide.yaml file
while attempting to guess the packages and versions to put in it. For example,
if your project is using Godep it will use the versions specified there. Glide
is smart enough to scan your codebase and detect the imports being used whether
they are specified with another package manager or not.

$ glide create
[INFO]	Generating a YAML configuration file and guessing the dependencies
[INFO]	Attempting to import from other package managers (use --skip-import to skip)
[INFO]	Scanning code to look for dependencies
[INFO]	--> Found reference to
[INFO]	--> Found reference to
[INFO]	--> Found reference to
[INFO]	--> Found reference to
[INFO]	Writing configuration file (glide.yaml)
[INFO]	Would you like Glide to help you find ways to improve your glide.yaml configuration?
[INFO]	If you want to revisit this step you can use the config-wizard command at any time.
[INFO]	Yes (Y) or No (N)?
[INFO]	You can now edit the glide.yaml file. Consider:
[INFO]	--> Using versions and ranges. See
[INFO]	--> Adding additional metadata. See
[INFO]	--> Running the config-wizard command to improve the versions in your configuration

The config-wizard, noted here, can be run here or manually run at a later time.
This wizard helps you figure out versions and ranges you can use for your

glide config-wizard

This runs a wizard that scans your dependencies and retrieves information on them
to offer up suggestions that you can interactively choose. For example, it can
discover if a dependency uses semantic versions and help you choose the version
ranges to use.

glide get [package name]

You can download one or more packages to your vendor directory and have it added to your
glide.yaml file with glide get.

$ glide get

When glide get is used it will introspect the listed package to resolve its
dependencies including using Godep, GPM, Gom, and GB config files.

glide update (aliased to up)

Download or update all of the libraries listed in the glide.yaml file and put
them in the vendor directory. It will also recursively walk through the
dependency packages to fetch anything that’s needed and read in any configuration.

$ glide up

This will recurse over the packages looking for other projects managed by Glide,
Godep, gb, gom, and GPM. When one is found those packages will be installed as needed.

A glide.lock file will be created or updated with the dependencies pinned to
specific versions. For example, if in the glide.yaml file a version was
specified as a range (e.g., ^1.2.3) it will be set to a specific commit id in
the glide.lock file. That allows for reproducible installs (see glide install).

To remove any nested vendor/ directories from fetched packages see the -v flag.

glide install

When you want to install the specific versions from the glide.lock file use
glide install.

$ glide install

This will read the glide.lock file and install the commit id specific versions

When the glide.lock file doesn’t tie to the glide.yaml file, such as there
being a change, it will provide a warning. Running glide up will recreate the
glide.lock file when updating the dependency tree.

If no glide.lock file is present glide install will perform an update and
generate a lock file.

To remove any nested vendor/ directories from fetched packages see the -v flag.

glide novendor (aliased to nv)

When you run commands like go test ./... it will iterate over all the
subdirectories including the vendor directory. When you are testing your
application you may want to test your application files without running all the
tests of your dependencies and their dependencies. This is where the novendor
command comes in. It lists all of the directories except vendor.

$ go test $(glide novendor)

This will run go test over all directories of your project except the
vendor directory.

glide name

When you’re scripting with Glide there are occasions where you need to know
the name of the package you’re working on. glide name returns the name of the
package listed in the glide.yaml file.

glide tree

Glide includes a few commands that inspect code and give you details
about what is imported. glide tree is one such command. Running it
gives data like this:

$ glide tree   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/   (/Users/mfarina/Code/go/src/

This shows a tree of imports, excluding core libraries. Because
vendoring makes it possible for the same package to live in multiple
places, glide tree also prints the location of the package being

This command is deprecated and will be removed in the near future.

glide list

Glide’s list command shows an alphabetized list of all the packages
that a project imports.

$ glide list
INSTALLED packages:

glide help

Print the glide help.

$ glide help

glide --version

Print the version and exit.

$ glide --version
glide version 0.12.0


For full details on the glide.yaml files see the documentation.

The glide.yaml file does two critical things:

  1. It names the current package
  2. It declares external dependencies

A brief glide.yaml file looks like this:

  - package:
  - package:
    version: ^1.2.0
    repo: [email protected]:Masterminds/cookoo.git

The above tells glide that…

  1. This package is named
  2. That this package depends on two libraries.

The first library exemplifies a minimal package import. It merely gives
the fully qualified import path.

When Glide reads the definition for the second library, it will get the repo
from the source in repo, checkout the latest version between 1.2.0 and 2.0.0,
and put it in in the vendor directory. (Note
that package and repo can be completely different)

TIP: The version is either VCS dependent and can be anything that can be checked
out or a semantic version constraint that can be parsed by the Masterminds/semver package.
For example, with Git this can be a branch, tag, or hash. This varies and
depends on what’s supported in the VCS.

TIP: In general, you are advised to use the base package name for
importing a package, not a subpackage name. For example, use and not

Supported Version Control Systems

The Git, SVN, Mercurial (Hg), and Bzr source control systems are supported. This
happens through the vcs package.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Q: Why does Glide have the concept of sub-packages when Go doesn’t?

In Go every directory is a package. This works well when you have one repo
containing all of your packages. When you have different packages in different
VCS locations things become a bit more complicated. A project containing a
collection of packages should be handled with the same information including
the version. By grouping packages this way we are able to manage the related

Q: bzr (or hg) is not working the way I expected. Why?

These are works in progress, and may need some additional tuning. Please
take a look at the vcs package. If you
see a better way to handle it please let us know.

Q: Should I check vendor/ into version control?

That’s up to you. It’s not necessary, but it may also cause you extra
work and lots of extra space in your VCS. There may also be unforeseen errors
(see an example).

Q: How do I import settings from GPM, Godep, gom or gb?

There are two parts to importing.

  1. If a package you import has configuration for GPM, Godep, gom or gb Glide will
    recursively install the dependencies automatically.
  2. If you would like to import configuration from GPM, Godep, gom or gb to Glide see
    the glide import command. For example, you can run glide import godep for
    Glide to detect the projects Godep configuration and generate a glide.yaml
    file for you.

Each of these will merge your existing glide.yaml file with the
dependencies it finds for those managers, and then emit the file as
output. It will not overwrite your glide.yaml file.

You can write it to file like this:

$ glide import godep -f glide.yaml

Q: Can Glide fetch a package based on OS or Arch?

A: Yes. Using the os and arch fields on a package, you can specify
which OSes and architectures the package should be fetched for. For
example, the following package will only be fetched for 64-bit
Darwin/OSX systems:

- package: some/package
    - darwin
    - amd64

The package will not be fetched for other architectures or OSes.


This package is made available under an MIT-style license. See


We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the GPM and
projects, which
inspired many of the features of this package. If glide isn’t the
right Go project manager for you, check out those.

The Composer (PHP), npm (JavaScript), and Bundler (Ruby) projects all
inspired various aspects of this tool, as well.

The Name

Aside from being catchy, “glide” is a contraction of “Go Elide”. The
idea is to compress the tasks that normally take us lots of time into a
just a few seconds.