Goliath is a non-blocking Ruby web server framework
Goliath is an open source version of the non-blocking (asynchronous) Ruby web server framework. It is a lightweight framework designed to meet the following goals: bare metal performance, Rack API and middleware support, simple configuration, fully asynchronous processing, and readable and maintainable code (read: no callbacks).
The framework is powered by an EventMachine reactor, a high-performance HTTP parser and Ruby 1.9+ runtime. The one major advantage Goliath has over other asynchronous frameworks is the fact that by leveraging Ruby fibers introduced in Ruby 1.9+, it can untangle the complicated callback-based code into a format we are all familiar and comfortable with: linear execution, which leads to more maintainable and readable code.
Each HTTP request within Goliath is executed within its own Ruby fiber and all asynchronous I/O operations can transparently suspend and later resume the processing without requiring the developer to write any additional code. Both request processing and response processing can be done in fully asynchronous fashion: streaming uploads, firehose API’s, request/response, websockets, and so on.
$> gem install rvm
$> rvm install 1.9.3
$> rvm use 1.9.3
$> gem install goliath
require 'goliath'
class Hello < Goliath::API
def response(env)
[200, {}, "Hello World"]
> ruby hello.rb -sv
> [97570:INFO] 2011-02-15 00:33:51 :: Starting server on in development mode. Watch out for stones.
See examples directory for more hands-on examples of building Goliath powered web-services.
Goliath is not tied to a single Ruby runtime - it is able to run on MRI Ruby, JRuby and Rubinius today. Depending on which platform you are working with, you will see different performance characteristics. At the moment, we recommend MRI Ruby 1.9.3+ as the best performing VM: a roundtrip through the full Goliath stack on MRI 1.9.3 takes ~0.33ms (~3000 req/s).
Goliath has been used in production environments for 2+ years, across many different companies: PostRank (now Google), OMGPOP (now Zynga), GameSpy, and many others.
How does Goliath compare to other Ruby async app-servers like Thin?
How does Goliath compare to Mongrel, Passenger, Unicorn?
How do I deploy Goliath in production?
If you are you new to EventMachine, or want a detailed walk-through of building a Goliath powered API? You’re in luck, a super-awesome Pluralsight screencast which will teach you all you need to know:
Additionally, you can also watch this presentation from GoGaRuCo 2011, which describes the design and motivation behind Goliath:
Other resources:
Goliath is distributed under the MIT license, for full details please see the LICENSE file.