Full stack website written in C and Javascript utilizing the Express JS framework. This program is a Web Application allowing the user to upload/download GPX files and perform various tasks with those files, for example, viewing the files information and editing the files themselves. This project is an assignment from the University of Guelph.
This project is a fullstack web-application with a frontend written in Javascript to pair with a backend written in C. This application was written for the CIS2750 - Software Systems Development and Integration course offered by the University of Guelph. It allows the user to upload/download GPX files (XML Schemas) containing GPS data and lets them view various information within those files on the frontend.
Display various GPX file information stored on the server in readable manner
Upload GPX files to the server
Download GPX files from the server
Update GPX files on the server
Create new GPX files on the server
Save uploaded files to a MySQL database