helix toolkit

Helix Toolkit is a collection of 3D components for .NET.



Helix Toolkit

Helix Toolkit is a collection of 3D components for .NET Framework.

Adds variety of functionalities/models on the top of internal WPF 3D models (Media3D namespace).

Custom 3D Engine and XAML/MVVM compatible Scene Graphs based on SharpDX(DirectX 11) for WPF.

Custom 3D Engine and XAML/MVVM compatible Scene Graphs based on SharpDX(DirectX 11) for WinUI.

Assimp.Net 3D model importer/expoter support for HelixToolkit.SharpDX Components.

Please download full source code to run examples.

License: MIT
Build status

Description Value
Web page http://helix-toolkit.github.io/
Wiki https://github.com/helix-toolkit/helix-toolkit/wiki
Documentation http://helix-toolkit.readthedocs.io/
Chat https://gitter.im/helix-toolkit/helix-toolkit
Source repository http://github.com/helix-toolkit/helix-toolkit
Latest build http://ci.appveyor.com/project/holance/helix-toolkit
Issue tracker http://github.com/helix-toolkit/helix-toolkit/issues
NuGet packages http://www.nuget.org/packages?q=HelixToolkit
Nightly build https://www.myget.org/F/helixtoolkit-nightly
StackOverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/helix-3d-toolkit
Twitter https://twitter.com/hashtag/Helix3DToolkit

Project Build

Visual Studio 2022.


1. Right-handed Cartesian coordinate system and row major matrix by default

HelixToolkit default is using right-handed Cartesian coordinate system, including Meshbuilder etc. To use left-handed Cartesian coordinate system (Camera.CreateLeftHandedSystem = true), user must manually correct the triangle winding order or IsFrontCounterClockwise in raster state description if using SharpDX. Matrices are row major by default.

2. Performance Topics for WPF.SharpDX and UWP.

3. Following features are not supported currently on FeatureLevel 10 graphics card:

FXAA, Order Independant Transparent Rendering, Particle system, Tessellation.

4. Wiki and useful External Resources on Computer Graphics.

HelixToolkit Library Structure

WPF Internal 3D Engine (DirectX9)

graph TD
    hx[HelixToolkit] --> hxWpf[HelixToolkit.Wpf]
    wpf[WPF Framework] --> hxWpf

HelixToolkit DirectX11 Engine

graph TD
    hx[HelixToolkit] --> hxdx[HelixToolkit.SharpDX]
    dx11[DirectX11 Engine] --> hxdx
    hxdx --> hxAssimp[HelixToolkit.SharpDX.Assimp]
    hxdx --> hxWpf[HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX]
    hxdx --> hxWinUI[HelixToolkit.WinUI.SharpDX]

Bug Report

Please use the following template to report bugs.

  • Version: [Example: 2.20]
  • Package: [Example: Helixtoolkit.Wpf]
  • Issue:
  • Reproduce Steps:
  • Sample Code:



v2.26.0 releases are available on nuget. Release Note

‼️ This is the final release of HelixToolkit v2. Moving forward, our focus will shift to the development of v3.

Changes (Please refer to Release Note for details)


Nightly build myget feed link has been updated to: https://www.myget.org/F/helixtoolkit-nightly