homebrew tap

TimescaleDB Homebrew tap, containing formulas for the database, tools, etc.


Brew formulas for TimescaleDB

The repository that hosts the brew formulas to install TimescaleDB on

Installing from the formula

If you’re looking for only installing the TimescaleDB on a macOs, check how to
install from our official guide.


If you want to edit the actual formula locally try:

brew edit timescaledb


If you want to test a Pull Request in progress in this repository, use the
following steps:

Navigate to the Timescale tap directory:

cd $(brew --prefix)/Homebrew/Library/Taps/timescale/homebrew-tap/

The folder is a git repository, so you can fetch the branches and check out the target branch and test it.

git fetch

It will fetch all the branches from the remote repository. You can use git branch to list them and then git checkout to start testing it.

git checkout <branch-in-progress>

Now, you can run the formula, and it will run it from the actual branch:

brew install --build-from-source timescaledb

You can see all brew options for running the formula here.

After you finish your testing/development, don’t forget to switch back to the main branch:

git checkout -