how to write vue3 style code

A demo project written in Typescript and Vue Composition API for Vue.js developers who wants to try Vue3.0.

How to write Vue3.0-style Code?


I am a student from SICNU, after I attended the VueConf 2019 in
Shanghai, Iā€™m focusing on how to try Vue3.0 in Typescript.

But When the CompositionAPI-RFC was published and accepted by our
community, I guess there would be some ways in VueCLI 4.0 for me to create a vue project with Typescript and Composition API, but the answer is ā€œNot yetā€¦ā€, What a pity!ā˜¹ļø

So I decided to make my own!

(BTW, I found an awesome starter project with Composition API
and TSX, click here! )


Install Composition API in your project

# via package manager
npm install --save @vue/composition-api
yarn add @vue/composition-api
<!-- via CDN -->
<script src=""></script>

Load it in main.ts:

You must install@vue/composition-api via Vue.use() before using other APIs:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueCompositionApi from '@vue/composition-api';


After installing the plugin you can use the Composition API to compose your component.

Create component:

If youā€™re writing a single file .vue component, it should
be like this before you write any code:

<script lang="ts">
import { createComponent } from '@vue/composition-api'

export default createComponent({
  // introduce it later...

Binding Raw data:

the Object in createComponent() is a little bit different
from the 2.6.x style, but you donā€™t need to worry about it
at all, itā€™s easy to learn!

  name: 'Counter',
  props: {
  setup(props) {
    // this seems very similar to React... šŸ˜LOL

    return { 
      // you can put the return value by 2.6.x `data()` here

For more details, you can run this project, and check the src/components/Counter.vue example.

ā‰ļø Warnings:

Here are something need to be noticed from my experience when
building this project:

VueRouter Issue:

Now I temporarilly use () => import('xxx.vue') for src/router/index.ts,

Iā€™ve already given an example for you to test and reproduce this problem.

// * Test for Warnings(1):
import RouterOne from '@/views/RouterOne.vue';                // uncomment this line

const routes = [
    path: '/counter',
    name: 'counter',
    // component: () => import('../views/RouterOne.vue'),     // comment this line
    component: RouterOne,                                     // uncomment this line

and yarn serve, after you run this project, thereā€™s an TypeCheck Error, the logs may be like this:

ERROR in /Users/student/how-to-write-vue3-style-code/src/router/index.ts(18,30):
18:30 Argument of type '{ mode: "history"; base: any; routes: { path: string; name: string; component: VueProxy<ComponentPropsOptions<Data>, Data>; }[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of ty
pe 'RouterOptions'.
  Types of property 'routes' are incompatible.
    Type '{ path: string; name: string; component: VueProxy<ComponentPropsOptions<Data>, Data>; }[]' is not assignable to type 'RouteConfig[]'.
      Type '{ path: string; name: string; component: VueProxy<ComponentPropsOptions<Data>, Data>; }' is not assignable to type 'RouteConfig'.
        Types of property 'component' are incompatible.
          Type 'VueProxy<ComponentPropsOptions<Data>, Data>' is not assignable to type 'VueConstructor<Vue> | ComponentOptions<Vue, DefaultData<Vue>, DefaultMethods<Vue>, DefaultComputed, Prop
sDefinition<...>, Record<...>> | AsyncComponentPromise<...> | AsyncComponentFactory<...> | undefined'.
            Type 'ComponentOptions<Vue, { [x: string]: unknown; }, never, never, ComponentPropsOptions<Data>, ExtractPropTypes<ComponentPropsOptions<Data>, false>> & VueConstructorProxy<...>' 
is missing the following properties from type 'VueConstructor<Vue>': extend, nextTick, set, delete, and 9 more.
    16 | ];
    17 | 
  > 18 | const router = new VueRouter({
       |                              ^
    19 |   mode: 'history',
    20 |   base: process.env.BASE_URL,
    21 |   routes,
Version: typescript 3.7.2
Time: 627ms

I guess this might be a problem caused by the vue and @vue/composition-api type definition, but I didnā€™t figure it out.

If you got any idea, please send me an issue.

And due to my unit test file tests/unit/Router.spec.ts is also using Vue-Router,
in order to avoid the TypeCheck Error Report, I fixed this with my Solution Below.


If you really need to import a router view component like this, then you MUST provide
a props, even itā€™s just props: {}, then the TypeCheck wonā€™t report any error;


# Project setup
npm install
yarn install

# Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
yarn serve

# Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
yarn build

# Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
yarn lint

# Run a unit test
npm run test:unit
yarn test:unit


怐vuejs/composition-api怑 äø­ę–‡ę–‡ę”£