
Better indicator view for iOS



No Maintenance Intended

HTProgressHUD is an replacement for UIProgressHUD, the undocumented UI component in iOS.
And it is also replacement for MBProgressHUD.
MBProgressHUD is too old, and causes so many crashes.
So I re-implemented it, with newer-APIs, more stability and more customizabilities.



  • iOS 5.0 or higher

  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)


  • UIKit.framework

  • Foundation.framework

  • CoreGraphic.framework

  • QuartzCore.framework



It has following built-in indicators.

  • Indicator with UIActivityIndicatorView.

    Indicator with large white UIActivityIndicatorView.

  • Pie-chart like indicator.

    Indicator that shows progress with pie-chart like component.

  • Ring-shaped indicator.

    Indicator that shows progress with ring shaped component.

And you can also customize indicator by subclassing HTProgressHUDIndicatorView.


It has following built-in animations.

  • Fade animation.

  • Fade with zoom animation.

You can even customize animation by subclassing HTProgressHUDAnimation.



You can install HTProgressHUD with CocoaPods.

  1. Add a line for HTProgressHUD to your Podfile.

    pod 'HTProgressHUD', '~> 0.2.1'

  2. Run install or update command.

    pod install

  3. import HTProgressHUD

    #import <HTProgressHUD/HTProgressHUD.h>

As a Static Library

You can add HTProgressHUD as a static library

  1. Clone or download HTProgressHUD

  2. Delete .git & .gitignore if exists

  3. Delete Examples folder if you want

  4. Move the HTProgressHUD folder into the you project’s folder

  5. From within Xcode, Open your project or workspace & add

  6. HTProgressHUD should appear in the Xcode Project Navigator

  7. Click on the Your Project entry, Targets → Your Target → Build Phases
    → Target Dependencies → + “HTProgressHUD”

  8. Click on the Your Project entry, Targets → Your Target → Build Phases
    → Link Binary with Libraries + libHTProgressHUD.a

  9. Click on the Your Project entry, Targets → Your Target → Build Settings
    → Search Paths → User Header Search Paths → + HTProgressHUD's path

  10. Click on the Your Project entry, Targets → Your Target → Build Settings
    → Linking → Other Linker Flags → + -ObjC

  11. Done

As source files

Copy following files into your project.

  • HTProgressHUD.h

  • HTProgressHUD.m

  • HTProgressHUDAnimation.h

  • HTProgressHUDAnimation.m

  • HTProgressHUDFadeAnimation.h

  • HTProgressHUDFadeAnimation.m

  • HTProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation.h

  • HTProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation.m

  • HTProgressHUDIndicatorView.h

  • HTProgressHUDIndicatorView.m

  • HTProgressHUDPieIndicatorView.h

  • HTProgressHUDPieIndicatorView.m

  • HTProgressHUDRingIndicatorView.h

  • HTProgressHUDRingIndicatorView.m



HTProgressHUD *HUD = [[HTProgressHUD alloc] init];
[HUD showInView:self.view];
[HUD hideAfterDelay:3];

More Complex Example

__block HTProgressHUD *progressHUD = [[HTProgressHUD alloc] init];
progressHUD.animation = [HTProgressHUDFadeZoomAnimation animation];
progressHUD.indicatorView = [HTProgressHUDIndicatorView indicatorViewWithType:HTProgressHUDIndicatorTypePie];
progressHUD.text = @"Loading...";

[progressHUD showWithAnimation:YES inView:self.view whileExecutingBlock:^{
    float r = 0.01;
    for (int i = 0; i <= 1 / r; i++) {
        [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:r];
        progressHUD.progress = i * r;
        if (progressHUD.progress > 0.5) {
            progressHUD.text = @"Almost done";

or See HTProgressHUDExample Project.


See the source of built-in animations and built-in indicators.
These are also kind of customized animations/indicators.

Three-line Summary

  1. MBProgressHUD is useful.

  2. But it causes so many crashes.

  3. So I reinvented the wheel.