
A simple asynchronous worker pool and concurrent job queue for Golang's HTTP Server, inspired from Node.js asynchronous http server design.


A simple asynchronous worker pool and concurrent job queue for Golang’s HTTP Server, inspired from Node.js asynchronous http server design.


  1. A simple concurrent FIFO queue built mutexes/locking and doubly-linked-list - job queue
  2. A pool of goroutine workers that can grow to any specifed size.
  3. A function dispatcher that schedules handler functions to any of the free goroutine.
  4. A built-in routing-map that maps multiple routes (url paths) to handler functions.

Example :

package main

import (


	The handler will be passed with *http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request pointers,
	channel is a notifier which notifies the dispatcher about the routine completion,
	Pass channel<-true after completion
func testRoute(w *http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, channel chan<- bool) {

	//use the r : http.Request

	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "<html></head>")
	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "<title>Sample test page</title>")
	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "</head>")
	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "<body>")
	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "<h4>Welcome to sample page</h4>")
	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "</body>")
	fmt.Fprintf(*w, "</html>")

	channel <- true

func main() {
	//Create a pool with 300 workers and 100 max queue size
	pool := httppool.NewRouteHandler(300, 100)

	//Register the route /test
	pool.RegisterRoute("/test", testRoute)

	//Register the route handler and redirect the root requests to our pool
	//This is how we glue http and pool modules
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		pool.Dispatch(w, r)

	//Start the server on :9000 port
	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)

To install:

To install as a pkg run:

go get

To build from source:

#from project root

go build

Then you can run the example using the same GOPATH, as:

go build example/example.go

Then run the example binary as follows:



  1. Built-in Logging
  2. Static file serving capability with built-in LRU cache for small files